19: Old Feelings...

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"No mama I'm not goin' back to that house!" I tell my mama for the billionth time. She just got wind that I left my daddy's house a week ago. He just told her because he didn't want her know that he didn't have everything under control. "He wants to play king of the jungle, dictating my life like I'm some little girl. I'm seventeen years old and he needs to start treating me like that." I tell her and Robin grabs my arm trying to calm me down. I just roll my eyes at him and wait for my mama's response.

"I can't believe for one that he let you run away and for two that he's just now telling me! What the fuck is the matter with him!? My baby is out and fucking about and I have no knowledge of it!" She complains.

"Maybe if you called more often you would of known. Always so busy with that boyfriend of yours and forgot all about me...it's your fault I live with him in the first place so don't try and play all concern for me now." Robin snatches my arm and I almost drop the phone.

"Don't talk yo mama that way." He whispers and I flick him off, continuing my conversation a little further away from him.

"....Don't throw all the blame on me. It seemed like a smart decision at the time, but now I see it was a fuckin' screw up. Where have you been staying anyways smart ass?" She asks and I was debating whether or not to tell her the honest truth or to lie.

"Friend's house." I decided to say which to me wasn't a lie at all. Robin is a friend.

"What friend?" She begins interrogating me and I smack my lips loud enough across the phone for her to hear. "Don't fuckin' smack yo lips, it better not be no boy Stella! Matter of fact get your ass to the house right now. And when you get there call Richie and tell him I said to bring all of your shit back a fuckin' sap, you hear me?"

"....Yeah." I mumble.

"What?! I can't hear you!" She yells.

"I said yeah...."

"And get your ass there NOW! Let me call Bella later on and she tells me you not there, I will be my ass back to the house so quick-"

"Okay whatever I'm going now." I tell her so she could shut the fuck up. She disconnects the call and I go start putting some clothes back into my bag while Robin just watched. "Well it was nice being your roommate for a week but it is time for me to go." I inform him.

"You going back to yo daddy's house?" He sits on the edge of the bed.

"No hell no. My plan worked I'm going back to live with my mama thank God. I had it with him and that bitch with her two bad ass crying ass babies." I continue to pack my stuff. "Now if you really want to visit me....you can." I smile at him.

"....Nope I done had enough of you." He smirks.

"You better be playin'." I say and he stands up to hug me.

"Of course...let me take you back to your mama's house." He offers.

"Duh I know you didn't think I was catching the bus." I punch his arm playfully and starting out of his room. We almost made it out of the door until Dee stopped Robin for a chat.

"Yo you heard?" He starts and Robin stands at the door impatiently. "Kasey's here." He smiles and he joyfully hits Robin in the arm. "Nigga do you know what this mean?" He stopped to ask once he sees how unconcern Robin is at the moment.

"No I really don't."

"Nigga if Casey stays and starts his business down here, we about to make triple what we been makin', don't tell me that don't sound good to you." He crosses his arms. I just stare his money hungry ass up and down and roll my eyes in disgust at him. I seriously had no affection for him. He made my skin crawl in every way possible and to think back to what almost happened with us last year makes me even more disgusted. "Fuck you staring at me like that for?" He notices the appalled look I had coated over my face. "Got some to say baby girl spit it out."

"Yeah...fuck you." I say and waiting closer next to Robin who was confused about the whole situation right now. "Can we just go and you can talk to this...him later?" I asked Robin.

"...Yeah let's go." He turns to unlock the door.

"Bitch just made I ain't fuck her that day." Dee mumbles to himself as he turns to walk away and I stopped Robin from turning around after his remark so he wouldn't bring up no old shit.

"Just come on....fuck him." I utter the last part of my sentence and follow Robin out of the house. He still had his white Camaro decked out and everything. "Car still looks good." I compliment.

"Yeah this car means alot to me." He admits. "I think I might actually love this car more than Jayla." He laughs.

"Was that a joke?" I put on my seatbelt as he starts the car.

He looks over at me and shakes his head, "You really think I'll love a car more than my own girlfriend?" I see him raise an eyebrow like he really wanted my answer.

"I would hope so." A big smile form across my face. "But you haven't spoken to her for days...what's goin' on in paradise?"

"....I wish I could say myself but honestly I don't even know....she been busy with some shit she got going on that she ain't talked to me in weeks. Ion bug her though...I just let it be."

"Do you feel the same way about her you did a year ago?"

".....Me and Jayla will always have history but...I think my future might be with somebody else." He smiles and places his hand on my thigh.

Thugs Ain't For Me: Chapter IIWhere stories live. Discover now