42: Kasey's Bad..

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"Nice work my man." I hand the latest member on my team a stack of Benjamin's. He swiftly flips through the roll like I was tryna cheat him. "Don't worry, it's all there." I jokingly nudge him.

"Yeah nice doing business with you, Kasey." We dap before he turns to leave.

"Aye Trye!" I catch him at the door. He turns to face me.

"Let sweet Bell down easy....Don't want her baby daddy coming after you." I say.

"Don't worry, ain't nobody worried about that nigga Preston....Plus I don't plan on leaving her. You might of been using her but I wasn't." He jogs out the building. My muscles tensed up.

"Hey Kasey come look at her...make sure we butchered the right girl." Shawna calls me over to the other side of the warehouse. "Wasn't her hair blonde before?" I make it over to what's left of Ramina's butchered body.

"Yeah she changed her fuckin' hair color thinkin' she was slick." I chuckle. "How slick are you now?" I ask the corpse. "It took a lot to finally find you." I continue talking to the corpse. Shawna joins me.

"What did you see in her ass anyways?"

"The same thing I saw in that fucked up bitch Lyric, who I have yet to body." I get irritated thinking about her tough ass.

"Well you paralyzed the girl-that should be good enough....can we just focus on us now and what's important?" She takes my hands and place them on her rock hard stomach.

She was about to have this baby real soon.

"No Shawna-it's so much more I gotta do." I snatch my hands off. "I told you already, I'm a busy person but I'll take care of what's mine."

"So much more to do like what Kasey. You came to San D in pursuit of Lyric, you handled her and then you went on a wild goose chase for Ramina and her body is all butchered up-thanks to me anyway-so what's next? Who you after now?" She throws her hands up in frustration.

"Zaz." I simply say and I can feel the heat radiating off her body. "Shawna-"

"NO Kasey! You won't rest until everybody that ever did you some kind of dirty is dead or so terrified they won't leave the house? What makes you think that you can just end everybody!? What is wrong with you?!"


"I left Audrina for you! I'm about to have both of our first child! I dropped everything and tagged along with you when you decided to go on this temporary vacation! I was there when you was fucking on Lyric and Ramina, all the while I had feelings for you! But, to you I was just some lesbo who was good with a gun! I don't want shit to happen to the love of my life-" I turn from the car and watch her sweating face. "Damn it's hot out here." She fans herself, out of breath.

"....We can't be together." I say.


"Shawna...we not doing this."

"Doing what Kasey? Doing what!? You saying you don't want me? After everything-"

"Shawna you're the help-I need a wife." I unlock the car door and get in.

"FUCK YOU KASEY!" I speed off and leave her in the dust. In the car I dial up one of my boys.

"Yo-I need you and one of the homies to meet me at the psychiatric institution in The San D county."

"Why we heading all the way over there?" He asks as I make a sharp turn on the E-way.

"We gotta patient to pick up." I say.

"Like who?"

"Chief called and made me an offer that I simply cannot refuse." I smirk checking my rear view to make sure I ain't being followed. "But that's my business so do as I say. No longer than 5 minutes." I order.

"Boss the San D county is thirty-five minutes away how-"

Cutting him off, "Teleport my nigga." I end the call.

Approximately, thirty minutes later and the gang was surrounding the building. I observe everybody standing before me.

"The chief has made me an offer." I begin. Everybody's eyes ponder around the place. "He-uhhh wants me to free his daughter from here."

"He wants us to bust his kid out of the mental hopsital?" One of them ask.

"He wants me to free her from here." I say more clearly, gesturing around us. But, they all just stare at me like I'm speaking a different language. "Damn you niggas are slow. Just follow my lead." I pull my piece from my waist and kick open the doors with my foot. "Everybody hands up! Don't move!" Nurses freeze and patients hide. I felt like I was about to walk up out this motherfucker with duffle bags full of money. "Don't move a fuckin' inch!" I point the gun at the anxious receptionist who was willing to get her brains popped just to push a damn emergency button. "Now since you wanna do some so bad bitch-give me the location of Ms. Jayla Hartford." I walk toward the desk. "Watch everybody else." I order my boys. The receptionist quickly flipped through the thick binder that was stashed behind her.

"She's on the isolation floor...bottom level, room 240. Here." She nervously hands me the key card.

I turn back to my gang of boys, "you five come with me and the rest of you make sure nobody moves." Me and the guys take the stairs to the bottom level and prepare to retrieve the girl.

"Not to question you or anything boss but, why ain't we wearing nothing? No masks or suits or nothing?"

"Don't worry....the chief will make sure that our identities are safe." The door clicked and slowly opened after I swiped the card in front of the sensor. She was stiff lying in her bed. The room was all white and she was wrapped up. "Damn they treat you like a prisoner up in this bitch!" She sits up in the bed. "Wassup?"

"Who are you?" She didn't sound like she was retarded.

"I'm Kasey, you're dad...sent me to get you."

"Get me? Finally. Why he send you?" She stands up and I grab her arm. "Aren't you gone free me first?"

"Nope. I have specific orders from the chief-your dad-and I'ma follow them." I say as we head up the stairs.

"Ugh don't be callin' him that. Chief. He ain't no damn chief he's a fuckin' coward, who locked his own child up because she got into some trouble and his dear ole reputation was on the line." She rolls her eyes.

"Spoiled fuckin' brat." I mumble.

"What was that?"

"Nothing move faster-not like I came in here and asked nicely to have you released." I yank her up the stairs.

"So how the hell did you get the key card?" I remain silent. "Of course my daddy went the illegal way. And what makes him think this won't be investigated?"

"He's the Governor, not to mention a corrupted one, and no one cares about some 18-19 year old misfit being stolen from the nut house."

"I'm quite important." She says.

"Yeah I bet you are. Aye, you hold it down while the rest of us finish up the job." I tell one of my boys and everybody put their guns away and head out the facility. "You with me." I direct her toward my car. "We need to make a detour before I send you on your way." I tell her as I start the engine.


"How do you feel about going to see your little boyfriend?" She stares silently at me. "What?"

"How do you know Robin?"

"He's working with me-or at least I thought he was. But, it seems like he has made this rather insane decision to double-cross me." Images flash across my mind. "A real dumb decision."

"....I-don't understand, what's going on?"

"Nothing princess-just sit tight." I pat her thigh. "You'll see your boyfriend real soon."

Thugs Ain't For Me: Chapter IIWhere stories live. Discover now