14: Gearing Up

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"ZAZ! Slow the car down!" Syleena's Australian accented voice screeched. I was changing lanes on the highway without signaling, going 190 MPH. "What is wrong with you?!" She yelled again. I was finally slowed down by this big ass eighteen wheeler in front of me. I checked my side and rearview mirror only to see that I was boxed in. Syleena held her head in the passenger seat breathing heavy like she saw her life flash before her eyes or some shit.

"I told you to drive your own fuckin' car Lena. You always wanna hop in my shit and complain about how I drive." My nerves was already fucked up after getting that call an hour ago from one of my boys and this bitch in here screaming like she crazy wasn't helping. She flipped me off and continued to rub her temples. I finally get an opening to my right and I turn on my turning signal making a sharp curve to the right, missing the 2013 Honda Civic by an inch of an inch.

"You're not going to be satisfied until this car is completely wrecked, Zaz." She grasps onto her seatbelt like her life depended on it. I was once again doing 190 MPH. Coming up to my exit, I pass across three cars that all blew their horn violently at me and I stuck my hand up through the sun roof giving them the finger. Finally making it off the E-way, I take the alleys to make this trip shorter.

"Do you see any cars parked in the lot?" I asked her and she scans out the right side window.

"..Yeah, only a few. Who's all supposed to be here?"

"...More motherfuckers than that, unless they ass carpooled. That's what the fuck they better did. I called a mandatory meeting, dumb niggas probably don't know what mandatory mean." I pull my car into a empty parking space right in front of the building. I got out and went along to the passenger side to help Lena get her ass out.

"..Thanks." She replied, "And pull your pants up." She smacks the back of my head. I glare over my shoulder at her short ass and lift my pants over my waist. We take the elevator to the second floor and I push through the double glass doors of the room. I spotted Ant and Jeremiah right away and as I moved closer into the room I noticed Dominic and Jason standing over by the TV. They hurried and got over to the table once they saw me come in. "Hello, gentlemen." Syleena greets them taking a seat and they all stare and drool like little puppies looking at a T-Bone Steak.

"What's so important that this meeting had to be mandatory, Zaz?" Anthony speaks up first. I didn't like his tone but I knew I had to give them time to get used to me as they captain since they real boss been missing for a year now, they came to me for help and I accepted. I'm glad I did too at a time like this.

"I got news from my eyes out in Phoenix that Kasey supposed to be slidin' through San D soon...I don't know how soon or for what but me and him been at it for years now and I need to get ready for whatever he got planned." I tell them why we are all here sitting at this big ass table staring each other in the face. "...I know somebody who can help us gear up....he should of been his ass-"

"Wassup Zaz, long time no see my boy." Quan waltz his ass through the glass door and slides in the first empty seat he sees, which happens to be by my lady. "And hello beautiful, let me introduce myself. I'm Quan but they call me Q." He smirks bringing her hand up to his mouth, and planting a kiss on the back of it.

"Yeah yeah lil nigga, watch all that out." I point at Syleena and gesture for her to come seat next to me. She scoots the chair out from under the table and slowly gets up, tugging at the tight ass dress she decided to wear and strutting her way toward me.

"Damn!" Quan shrieks rubbing his goatee. "Look at that ass." He laughs and that causes all the other boys to laugh and look as well. I snatch Syleena down into her chair and grab my piece.

I aim right at the center of his forehead, "Look man I ain't about to tell you twice, watch the fuck out with all that!" I get annoyed with his lil remarks about my girl. Syleena pulls at my arm making me sit back down and they room grows quiet all but with Quan's whispering snickers.

"Calm down, Zazo my boy I'm only admiring the trophy you got sitting next to you. You that scared I might walk outta here with her?" He smiles noticing the blood boiling in my body.

"....Get out Syleena." I mumble still glaring at Quan.

"Excuse me?" She shifts to my focus and grabs my head turning me to face her. "You want me to leave?" She rephrases what I said.

"Go wait in the car or some shit before I end up busting a cap in this nigga." I demand snatching her hand off my face. She stands up and grabs her hand bag off the table exiting the room. "I dare you to turn around." I threatened Quan before he tried to twist his skinny neck around to watch her leave. He throws his hands up and laughs.

"I quit my boy, I see you still feisty. Anyways what am I doin' here?" The emotions in his face shift to serious.

"'Bout time yo ass stopped playing." The tension left the room and I preceded with the problem. "We need some equipment." I fold my hands on the table waiting for his comment.

"Okay...Okay. I ain't just gone give away my good shit if these niggas don't know how to use it."

"A'ight fair enough. What you niggas good with?" I ask the boys sitting around the table.

"....I'm good with anything automatic." Anthony says and leans back in his chair.

"Same here, don't bring me no lil ass pistol." Jeremiah uttered in.

"I'm better with a desert eagle." Says Dominic.

"Yea and what about you Jason?"

"Automatic." He says.

"How about you, Boss." Quan smirks.

"I'm only rocking with the best...don't bring me no bullshit. You been fucking with me long enough to know how I come through." I smirk back at him.

"What you niggas need equipment for anyways?"

"I gotta old enemy coming to town soon and I ain't tryna get caught lackin, and since they boss went off the grid a year ago they ain't got shit to protect themselves with."

"Old enemy like who?" He gets personal.

"...Kasey...Kasey from Phoenix." I tell him and I can see the look in some of the boy's faces turn.

"Who the fuck becomes enemies with Kasey from Phoenix?" Quan spats.

"...Man fuck him. He got mad because my business was booming while his customers left his ass sittin' in Phoenix dryer than a bitch." I say.

"...Boy Kasey got all bitches working for him....and don't get me wrong them bitches wilder than a motherfucker especially that bitch named Shawna. She hit up one of my home boy's joint a few months back and he ain't been the same since." He tells me.

"...I ain't never scared of no weak ass females. I'll blast all them hoes." I confidently say.

"...Well I'll help with the equipment and that's it. Cuz' Kasey finna fry y'all asses." Quan gets up from his chair and heads toward the door. "Don't mention me. I gotta enough problems." He says before going out the door. I look back at my team and they sat there unfazed by all of this.

"Well Quan should have the shit to us by tomorrow, y'all keep y'all heads up and call me if anything happens. Meeting over." I dismiss them and head out the building myself.

Once I make it outside my White BMW is gone.

Syleena's ass is gone make me hurt her.

Thugs Ain't For Me: Chapter IIWhere stories live. Discover now