33: The Past Won't Leave..

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"This dress is A-MAZING." I was on a online shopping craze. It was this or social media, I really needed a hobby. Having a three week old is amazing but being cooped up inside this apartment all of the time was starting to make me crazy. I tried to get out as much as possible but being inside felt like the best place to have a newborn. Brandon went back to work yesterday after I asked him not too. He was shot in the chest a week ago and it nearly killed him. Doctors removed the bullet and stitched him up but hearing that the bullet almost punctured his heart and killed him frightened me half to death. I wanted him to wait another week or so but he didn't wanna admit that being in this house all day with a three week old was driving him crazy too. Hell I couldn't blame him, I just wish I still had my job so I can have something to do other than stalk Facebook or Charlotte Russe. I glanced at the clock in the right hand corner of my laptop, I had about another five minutes to craze before Junior woke up for another feeding.

I've had just about enough of shopping and was on to the social media. "This whore." I shake my head scrolling past a picture that I notice of Nicole partying last night. "Those were the days though." I huff knowing that I wish I could be partying or getting wasted right now. Few more strolls later and I get a friend request from...Eva. "The hell?" I click on her profile to investigate more and yep it's definitely Eva. I hesitate but finally accept. Ping. I open up the message:

"Hey how have you been? Long while huh?" 2:14pm

"Yeah what's it been....three years?" 2:14pm

"I'm sorry I've been trying to get myself together....I wanna make it up to you, how about we meet up for lunch....I'm in town..." 2:15pm


"...Sure, tell me when and where." 2:16pm

I didn't wanna see her but maybe I needed too. I just ain't like opening up old wounds. I always tried to leave the past in the past but in the previous year I can see that wasn't happening. I shower and get ready. Baby was still fast asleep so I didn't bother him to much and tried to be gentle putting him in the car so I didn't wake him. In the car on my way to the restaurant I called Brandon at work.

"Hey are you busy?" I asked once he answered.

"Not really, just got out of a conference what's up?" I can hear loud shuffling in the background and my heart yearns for a job. I hated having nothing to do.

"You sound busy, it's okay I can call you back. I know how important work is especially if you work in a office, trust me." I snicker.

"No I'm free but I only have like ten minutes before I head to my next meeting. I didn't tell you but my new boss is a bitch."

"Brandon!" I burst out laughing.

"No I mean that literally and figuratively." He laughs. "Her name is Syleena Morgan, she's some hard ass that worked for Silas Marten in Sydney when she was 19." I park the car in front of the restaurant and grabbed the keys.

"Silas Marten?! 19!? How the hell did she pull that off?" I was curious about her now. Working for somebody like Silas Marten, a very powerful business man, was a huge opportunity and in five months he could make you a millionaire. It just was unfortunate that he owned companies in Australia and not the states.

"Yeah she's getting a lot of talk around the office and half the place fear her, but anyways what's up? Got like six minutes now."

"I'm having lunch with Eva."

"Eva? Really? That's new." He sounds uninterested. "Did you take Junior?" I pull the phone from my ear and stare at it like I can see him.

"No I just left our three week old in the house by hisself, duh I brought Junior. But, did you hear what I just told you? Eva!" I repeat.

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