43: R>I>P

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I just picked up Robin from his place ten minutes ago and we were in the middle of discussing some final plans. Everything was coming together and in less than two days, all this chaos should be over.

"When's the last time you spoke to him?" I ask Robin who just finished rolling up.

"Uhhh-like a couple days ago. Why?" He finishes up the blunt and proceeds to lighting it.

"Because all I seen you doing for the past couple days is smoke. What's going on my man?"


"Look, I get it. You're brother was killed two weeks ago and you're girl has been caged away in the place for a minute. But, don't get clouded man this is almost over and we came this far and it ain't for nothing."

"Look Zaz-a nigga did just lose his brother and ion know what the deal with Jayla is, but ain't nobody getting clouded. I'm just doing what it do." His eyes slowly closed.

"ROBIN?!" He jumps.

"What nigga!?"

"Focus, we need to find a way to bring Kasey to us and soon before he recruits anymore motherfuckers."

"So you want me to call him? Would you like me to call him right now and ask him to meet me and you here right now alone?" He stands up.

"Don't be fucking stupid." I walk away. "You know what continue doing what you doing, I'll finish this my self." I grab my car keys and head toward the door.

"Zaz wait." I stop but don't turn around. "It's Kasey, he wants me to meet him." That grabs my interest and I go back to Robin. "He texted."

"Let me see." The phone sat in my hand as I read the message a couple times to see if there was any hint or clues or hidden codes. "You think this legit?" I ask.

He shrugs.

"Alright well text him back and tell him the location." I hand him back his phone.

"What you want me to say?"

"Tell him you'll meet him. Give him this address." I say but he looks at me puzzled for awhile.

"Give him this address? Are you stupid?"

"He ain't gone know shit. That's why I bought this place on the low. Just tell him it's your brothers place or some. Lie and get him over here."

"Iight I mean this your plan."

"Robin...Kasey is responsible for the death of Dee, don't you want his ass dead? I mean cause if you don't I do and I'll finish this alone." I'm just about fed up with his ass at this point.

"....He's dying today." He says and hops up. "He said he'll be here in two. So....I don't know--hide." I smirk and go to the back. The wait was slow and frustrating.

"Yo-you sure he coming?" I yell out to Robin.

"Man shut up, I think this his car pulling up. Get yo piece ready." He orders.

"You sure he alone?" He doesn't respond. "Robin! Are you sure he's alone?"

I don't know-but I hear the elevator." I close my eyes and say a silent prayer.

"Robin!" I hear a girl's voice.

"Not so fast," I hear Kasey's voice next, "Where is he?"

"Fuck." I whisper.

"It's over Zaz, come on out." I turn the corner. He had Jayla locked in his arm with a gun to her head. "How long you thought you could continue to double play me?" He points the gun at Robin. "And working with him?" The gun faces me, but I don't flinch. "The only person I been after for the longest." He slides the gun down the side of Jayla's face.


"Don't say shit!" He yells. "It's not loaded so don't panic." He dangles the gun from his pinky finger.

"Just let her go, Kasey." I say but his eyes were glued on Robin. "Just let her go and do what you came here to do." He still never looked my way. I turn to Robin, whose eyes were glued on Jayla. His eyes fighting back tears.

"Robin tell me what's going on.." Kasey tightens his grip, causing her to become breathless in seconds.

"STOP!" Robin lunges forward.


A bullet smacks me in the arm. Gun in hand, I counter fire shots but started to get to weak to win this fight. Before I knew it Kasey was gone.

"Robin?" He was holding Jayla's limp body. "...Is she...?" I move closer.

He nods with tears crowning his eyes.

"Damn man.." I watch the blood pour out the side of her head. Her eyes wide open. I turn my head not being able to stand the sight of this. I could still hear Robin sobbing behind me. "What you wanna do now?" I held my arm to stop it from bleeding out.

"..I-need to call somebody." He tries to stand but his leg squirts out blood.

"Damn you got hit too." I help him over to the couch.

"I'm good-just go get Jayla." He orders and I look around and stare at her lifeless body.

"Robin-she's dead."

"I can see that! Just bring her over here...please." I sigh and drag myself over to her. With the one good arm that I had at the point. I lift her over my shoulder and sit her on the couch next to Robin, who wrapped his arm around her and continued to cry.

"We need to get you to the hospital." I notice his leg losing more blood every second. "Your leg is turning purple."

"Call her-" He stopped in mid-sentence.

"Robin!" I smack his face and he doesn't move. "Robin come on-Robin!" I feel his neck and his pulse was gone. "Shit! Shit!" I start to panic.

He can't die on me.

Thugs Ain't For Me: Chapter IIWhere stories live. Discover now