27: The War Destroys ...

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Master D

I still can't believe I let Kasey talk me into letting him in on my shit. I don't even know how he found out. If Brandon's cry baby ass wasn't there I would've walked away from that insane ass deal.

Kasey followed behind us as we entered one of the most famous clubs right here in San Diego. The Wet Blanket.

"Damn this place is wassup!" Kasey states.

"...You can go look 'round I'm go get the contract." I head toward my office.

"Wait wait....hold up....who is this?" He points to a picture on the wall of fame for the strippers behind the stage. "This girl right here....Babydoll?" I stand next to him and admire the wonderful picture of one of our newest members to the team.

"You know her?....I think her name is Bella, she just started a month ago."

"...Bella?.....she's my best friend." Mia broke in between us to get a better look at the picture. "She works.....here?" I can tell she was thrown off by the news of her best friend stripping.

"I gotta come see her one day." Kasey voices his thoughts.

I start back toward my office and search around for a paper contract. I hadn't had nobody apart of my business for years so I didn't just hold on to these contracts. I liked being my own partner but the situation is different now. I come across one lone contract and dust it off.

Flashing headlights of a SUV catch my attention on my monitor of the cameras I have located all around the club. The car looked suspicious so I waited to watch what was going on. Five seconds later four more black SUVs pull up and niggas just started hopping out dressed in all black with large guns. I grab my gat from under my desk, load it, and rush to warn the others.

They were in the private back room. Once I got in I locked the door.

"...What's going on?" Brandon asks holding Mia close to him. Kasey still inspecting the place.

"I don't know but-" RAATATATATATATATATATAT! Bullets literally came flying through the walls of the room. We all took shield to the floor but not before Brandon was hit in the arm. "KASEY HIT THE BUTTON BEHIND THE CURTAIN!!" I order him. He does it and the stairs descend from the ceiling.

"What the fuck are we suppose to do up here!?" Kasey gets annoyed. "Say our prayers!?" I ignore him and go over to the control panel and put the building on lock down.

"Grab something to protect yourselves with." I tell everybody and they do as I say. "Mia...you've been through enough I can imagine. You stay up here and unlock the building only when I say so." I inform her and she nods in agreement. "Brandon are you good enough to shoot?" I examine his arm. The bullet went straight through his bone I can tell.

He twisted his face in pain when I touched it, "Yeah......I think I'm good." He winced when I leaned closer to the wound.

"Are you sure? It doesn't look good." I say.

"Well it's a crew downstairs trying to kill us! Do it look like I have time to run to the hospital to get this fixed up?" He snatches the gun outta my hand and reloaded it. "Now are we going to put a end to this or what?"

Kasey grabs him something and so did I and we followed Brandon back down the stairs. The walls were almost completely gone. They both took cover behind the couches before I unlocked the door. "Y'all good?" I clear it with them before turning the lock.

Silence completely filled the air once the door unlocked and I stood behind it. A pair of heavy footsteps broke the silence after a minute of the door being unlocked. They looked around once entering the room and I quickly shut and locked the door behind them. Kasey appeared from behind the couch once he heard the door close. He aimed both pistols at the masked crew members who instantly dropped their pieces after realizing that I was right behind them ready to blow holes in their backs if they made the wrong move.

After they fell to the ground, terrified for their lives I took this time to get some answers.

"Who you here with!?" I begin to interrogate them, Kasey came to join. They remained quiet. "Oh so no one wants to talk?!" Agitated I put a bullet in one of the boy's leg.

"AHHHHH!" He yells out in pain.

"You feel like talking now?" I ask and before the boy could open his mouth Kasey shot him twice in the face. "What the fuck you do that for!?" The words left my mouth immediately.

"We needed to make a fuckin' example outta him! Now you tell us who you here with or end up like ya boy right here." Kasey kicks the lifeless lump of meat.

"....We were paid....to help Zaz." I was at a lost.

"Zaz?" I reiterate trying to get clarity.

"Yes Zaz...Zavion paid us and some other boys to come and kill him." He directed his eyes to Kasey.

"What is this shit Kasey?!" My confusion became anger instantly, seeing as Kasey is the cause of this bullshit.

"Look I'll explain this to you later." He told me. "Okay but where is Zaz?" Kasey asked the boy.

It took him some time to respond to the question but after Kasey threatened to make sure he ended up like his friend he told us, "He....he is planting...bombs..."

"BOMBS!?" Kasey and I repeat in unison.

"..Yeah around the club."

Slipping my piece in my waist I rush back to the stairs to get Mia. "Kasey you and Brandon evacuate now!" I order while I wait for the stairs to lower. I notice that Brandon hadn't moved. "Now Brandon!" I order again but I turned around to find him sitting behind the couch unconscious. "Shit Brandon!" I tried lifting him up over my shoulder, it wasn't easy but I got him up there. "MIA COME ON NOW!" I yell up to the room and she came skipping down the stairs.

"What's going on? Where is everybo- Brandon!?"

"He'll be fine...head to the exit now!" She is reluctant at first but she trusts me and follows Kasey.


My leg went numb as a bullet ripped my calf clean open. I fell to my knees and dropped Brandon. Blood gushed from my leg and I tried putting pressure on the wound before I bled out and lost conscious. As I sat there in pain the boy moved closer to me. I was to hurt to reach for my gun so I begin to pray that if I was killed right here in this moment, he would some how spare Brandon. I cringed as he leveled his gun over my chest.


The gun goes off but I didn't feel nothing. Opening my eyes I realized that Kasey just saved my life. He jogged over and helped me stand before taking the duty of carrying Brandon out of the club. We all settled in Kasey's car since I was in no position to drive.

"We need to get him to a hospital!" Tears poured from Mia's eyes as she checked on Brandon. "His pulse is slowing down." From the passenger's seat I turned to look at my dying brother.

"....He's going to make it." I try and calm her down and even try and convince myself. The concrete under the car shook as we drove.

I watched through the rear view of the car, my business blown to pieces.

Thugs Ain't For Me: Chapter IIWhere stories live. Discover now