29: The War Ends ....

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The Chief

The war has died down now and everything was starting to pan out. At this point I have supplied all these niggas with weapons, drugs, and locations on where their enemies were hiding out. I was the man behind the scenes and I was the reason this war even started. I told Zaz that there could only be one Kingpin in San Diego and that it was either between him or Kasey, besides he hated Kasey so getting him into this war was no problem. But they all looked up to me or respected me. I just sit back and play puppet master.

"Excuse me sir, you need to approve of the new legislation that you reviewed yesterday." My assistant came into my office with a stack of paper. "They need it back before five." He looks at the watch on his wrist.

"Have Tracey do it." I catch him before he leaves the office. "I have something else that I need to do."

"Tracey isn't here today sir."

"And who the hell gave her the day off?!" I explode. He just stands there while I gather my emotions. "Well you take my notes and come up with a decision."

"...I am still looking over the funding contract to build a new mini-mart where that building blew up last week sir." I rub my temples and shut my eyes.

"Alright let them know I will have it done before five." He bolted out of the office and I prepare to look back through the legislation papers. I was thrown off by the ringing of my phone. "Hello?" I answered.

"Hey are you coming home for dinner?" My wife asked. I can tell she liked having me around a lot more now. But with my job I was hardly home and with someone else more.

"...I just got a pile of papers I need to shuffle through and have done by five, so I might just grab me something to eat on the way in. Is that fine with you?" I start marking up the papers.

"...Yes. Have a nice day." She sounded disappointed and I just stared at the phone before finishing my work.

"Sir someone is here to see you." My assistant came back into my office.

I sigh, "Let them in." I confirm. Seconds later my beautiful girl walked inside. "Hey beautiful." I get up to greet her. She smiled walking into the office. "You're not at work?" I look into her eyes, she never misses work.

"I need to talk to you..." I sit next to her and brush the hair from her eyes. I can tell she was serious.

"You can tell me anything, what's bothering you?" She grabs my hand.

She plays with her fingers before speaking, "It's about you and your wife..." A sense of irritation rushes through me. "Hear me out." She senses my emotion.

"What about us?" I fold my arms.

"You told me that the divorce was going to be final last year and I have accepted that these things take time, I mean I went through a divorce last year but I just wanna know if it really is going to happen.." I stand and pace the floor.

"You know that if news of my divorce gets into the media it can ruin my career....I'm just trying to find a silent way of going about it alright? But trust me, it's going to happen." I try to reassure her but she didn't look to convinced. I place her hands in mine and kiss them. "I wouldn't lie to you, don't you know that?"

"Alright." She looks me in the eyes. "But I want it final...soon." She gets up and leaves the office.

"Sir it's something you need to see...it's urgent." My assistance grabs my attention. I kiss her goodbye and walk her out. I follow him to his office afterwards. "The cops are opening back up the investigation on the missing seventeen year old girl...Nayeli Atkins...." I read the report on the computer screen and examine my options. She was no longer a purpose to me...

"....Tell them to release the girl..." I order.

Mean While ...


I place my hand on my brother's solid cold arm. He looked real nice dressed in a tux. We had a small ceremony for him today, only family and a couple outsiders. He still looked the same. He just didn't look alive, which he wasn't. I just thought about all the memories we shared. This was my brother and now he was gone.

A hand relaxed on my back and when I looked up it was my mom. She walked me back over to our seats so the pastor could start.

"Today we mourn the lost of a fellow member of our church. Davon Griffins. He was the oldest of five and a well-rounded young man. He was yet another victim of the outrageous gang violence that pollutes the streets of our city. We must take a stand and put forth action to stop this, when it hits this close to home something must be done!" He begins but I couldn't take my eyes from my brother's cold hard face, nothing even mattered anymore. "His mother ain't deserve to have to bury her son. No one deserves that!..... What about his little sister? Think about what this is doing to her." I turn my attention to Chyna who had her head bury into Michael's shoulder. Her crying rang through the entire church and baby Mira just rested on Alec's lap, not understanding why her mama was crying. I knew this hurt Chyna more than anybody. She was really close to Dee, he treated Chyna like she was his own daughter.

"Robin are you going to go up there?" My mama whispered to me. I nodded and proceeded to the front of the church. The pastor handed me the mic and stepped aside.

"U-uhmm." My lip began to quiver, the last thing I wanted to do was break down in front of the whole church but many different emotions ran through me right now. "I'm Dee's little brother...um...Robin." I glanced over at Chyna who's red swollen eyes were glued on me. "I just don't know what it's going to be like from now on without him." I turn my attention to the casket. "He...he was more than our big brother...he was the only father figure we ever knew, he protected us and he was always there......" I broke down and my siblings decided to come up and join me. Chyna wrapped her arm around me and so did Alec. "The world won't be the same without my brother." I continue.

Michael grabs the mic, "We love you and we're going to miss you.."He walks me back to our seats.

The ceremony was ending and everybody was either outside giving us their condolences or starting their cars.

"...Hey Corey." I walk by him and Alec in front of the church.

"...Hey man wassup? How you holding up?" He greets.

"I'm umm I'm getting there you know." The sun causes me to squint and shade my eyes. "Can I talk to you for a minute...over here." I nod in the direction away from the church.

"Wait hol' up...Dee gone...we in this together. I'm still apart of this." Alec stops us before we walked away.

"....I wanna talk to you about yo position..." I start. They both just stare at me. "With Dee gone now....I'm next up and-"

"And I'm right behind you." Alec speaks up.

"Actually....I wanna make Corey right hand..." A smile began to form on Corey's face but Alec looked like he just been told he was diagnosed with cancer. "Look Alec, Corey is-"

"How you gone demote me?! I'm blood!" Alec starts to cause a scene.

"Alec man just calm-"

"Nah fuck this! This all you wanted, to make all the rules and pretend like you President Obama or some shit! Fuck all this!" He turns to walk away.

"Alec." I try and stop him.

"Nah Robin, Dee wouldn't like this shit at all. I'm out." He walks toward the car and gets in.

"....Robin I'm honored but I mean Alec got a point...he is family and ion want no bad blood between us because of this." Corey says.

"Nah I decided and it is what it is."

Thugs Ain't For Me: Chapter IIWhere stories live. Discover now