the kid who like Blue cookies

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Percy Jackson. Thats my name. My hair is raven black and my eyes are sea green. I never knew why my eyes were greenish blue, when my mother's eyes were as brown as it gets. Maybe it was from my father's side. I never really met my father. Mom says that he is lost at sea, but i think that he would be dead by now if he was lost at sea for nine years. I don' know why, but ive always had this weird attracion towars the ocean, even though it robbed me from my father. Even though the sea is always busy and absolutely never calm, I'm always calmer when I'm in the sea.

I'm straying from the topic, aren't I? Damn ADHD!


"Mom, I'm home!" I shouted when I came back from school. I smelled the faint scent of my mom's great blue cookies. I rushed to the kitchen and kissed my mom on the cheek. Mom was great. Really, she was.

"Hello, Percy. I made your favourite blue cookies." She said and handed me one. I nibbled on the edge and hummed. Mom just smiled. Blue was my favourite colour. So she decided that everything she cooked, would be blue. Blue cookies, blue candy, blue pancakes, blue everything.

"Percy, honey, one of my friends are having a kitchen tea in D.C., but I can't afford to take us both there. My flight is tomorrow. Can you take care of yourself for the weekend?"

"Sure, mom. Who's kitchen tea is it?" I asked.

"Oh, just my good friend, Pepper. She just got engaged. "

"Oh. Well, tell her I said hi."

"I will. Oh, Percy, I need to go pack my things. Can you finish the cookies please. And when they've cooled down, put them in a box."

I nodded. She smiled and strided to her room.

The next morning

I hugged my mom. A taxi cab stood in front of us and I was saying goodbye to my mom. Her luggage was in the trunk and I hugged her tight.

"Bye Percy, I'll see you Monday night. Take care of yourself. Ms. Pots' assistant's number is on the fridge. If there's an emergency, call him. He'll come pick you up. " she kissed my forehead and climbed into the cab. I waved at her. As soon as she was gone, I went back inside and sighed. It might be a bad idea to leave I kid with ADHD and dyslexia at home for three days. I am to young to throw a party, so I sighed again deeply and walked to the kitchen. I pulled out the box that had blue cookies in and opened it up.

Next, I took the jar of milk and put blue food dye In it to match my cookies and began to eat. Three cookies later, my milk was gone and I wakked to the television and put it on. By now, it was already 14:40. Mom was supposed to call me when she landed and the plane was supposed to land at 13:30.

I listened to the television. "This just in, a plane has crashed in Washington D.C. in a river. Only three of the hundred people survived. " I covered my mouth and gasped. That was the plane that my mom was in! I grabbed my phone and called her number.


I called again.

Voicemil again.

By now I was panicking.

I rushed to the kitchen and called Ms. Pots' assistant.

"Hello?" She said.

"Hi, is this the number of Ms pepper's assistant?"

"Why, yes it is, young man. How can I help you?"

"Is Ms pots nearby?"

"Yes she is right here. Should I give it to her?"

"That would be appreciated. "

"Ok, I'll give it to her."

I heard as the phone was given over to Pepper.



"Percy? Is that you? "

"Yes. It is. I have an emergency. A plane just crashed and I think my mom was in it. I don't know what to do."

"Hang in there, honey. I'll be there in twenty minutes" suddenly, I heard police sirens.

"Make it fifteen" I moaned and hung up.

I heard a knock on my door. Silently, I walked to it and opened up the door. There, stood a police officer with a note pad and a pen.

"Hello, Mr Jackson. I'm here because of your mother."

I paled instantly. "She died, didn't she?" The officer looked shocked that i knew that. That just proved that I was right. I burst out in tears. The officer was just standing there, awkwardly. I could have sworn that he has never done this kind of thing before.

"I'm sorry for your loss." He said and patted my back awkwardly. Ten minutes later, a car pulled up on my cerb. Pepper climbed out and ran towards me. She grabbed me and held me tightly. I realised that she had tears staining her cheeks too.

"Oh Percy! I'm so sorry!" She cried. "I'm so terribly sorry! This should never have happened!" That just caused me to cry harder.

The harder I cried the tighter she held me. Pretty soon she was holdin me so hard, I struggled to breathe. I struggled to breathe anyway. For some reason, I always struggled to breathe when I was crying. That's why I almost never cried. Loss was the ony exception.

I choked on my tears and within thirty seconds I stopped crying. Hower, I still sniffled.

Another car pulled up. A man with shades climbed out and hurried towards Pepper. I knew, because i have never seen this man in my life.

"Pepper, what happened? We were in the middle f a mee-" he shut up as soon as he saaw her tear stained cheeks.his eyes softened.

" It's Sally, isn't it?" He asked. She noodded sadly and the guy took off his shades. He lifted her fron her crouching possition and pulled her into a tight hug.

She finally pulled away. " Tony, this is Percy. He's Sally's kid"

Tony frowned. " is he going to be staying with his father or other family?" She shook her head.

"He doen't have any other family, unless you count Gabe. He isn't actual family. He and Sally got divorced because he was abusing Percy and His real father is lost at sea." Said Pepper. I sniffled again.

"Well, why don't we take him in?" Tony surprised me with that question. Pepper looked sceptically at him. Her tears immediately dried.

"Really? Even with your 'other job'?" She asked. What other job? Why did his work matter?

" I don't see why not." He smiled. Pepper grinned and kissed him.ON THE MOUTH! EW! I made a disgusted face. (Typical nine year olds) (it still disgusted him until he was fourteen)

They both laughed. I didn't se how this was a laughing matter. She had kissed him! In front of me! It had already mentally scarred me when Gabe touched my mother's butt, now Pepper and Tony kissed in front of me. My face expression ot worse and they laughed louder.

Once I was over it, Tony and pepper stopped laughing and went over to the police officers to sign the papers. I went inside my appartment and nibbled on a blue cookie.

"That's a pretty interesting cookie." Pepper commented. I wasn't even aware that she was inside the appartment.

"Why is it blue?" She asked.

I shrugged. "Why are normal cookies brown?"

"Good point" she said and shrugged. Pepper sat down next to me and I offered her a cookie. She took it and nibbled on it. Her eyes widened when she realised how delicious blue cookies was.

" Wow, this is really good! Do you have the recipe? I'd love to bake some of these."

"It's a family recipe. Mom teached it to me when I was seven, but I'm not allowed to share the recipe. "

"Oh." She said.

"I love blue cookies." I cooed.

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