I get his in the head with a dead fish and sassed by my pegasus

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As I said, we were ready for the final battle, but what I wasn't ready for, though, was getting hit in the head with a fish by my own pegasus.

We were still congratulating whilst killing monsters and sudenly, there was a shadow over me and the scent of dead fish and salt water filled the air. Just as I impaled a monster with my sword, I looked up and I just saw Blackjack snapping his head toward me and I was his with a slimy, wet, freshly killed, big and yellow, fish.

"Aww, yuck! I had to carry that in my mouth the whole way from the ocean! I hope you're grateful boss. That's a gift from your dad. He says that he is sorry that he couldn't make the fight, but now you can have roast fish." Blckjack spit.

I wiped off the slime, my hands now smelling like dead fish,

"Dude, you didn't have to throw it at my face." I retorted.

"Oy! I take you to starbucks nine o'clock in the morning, and then I get repaid by getting sent from Poseidon to give you a dead fish. Do you know how much that sucks? I didn't even get a doughnut!"he snapped.

"Sorry, man. You didn't have to do that. Thanks." I apologised.

"Don't get all sappy now, boss. How's it goin' here anyway?" He changed the subject just as a gorgon attacked.

"Look blackjack, no offence, but I'm kind of in the middle of something. Can we chat later?" I asked.

"Oh I see how it is. You're too busy fighting, you can't even tell me what's goin' on? Well, then, I'll go ask Annabeth" he whipped his tail and walked away just as the gorgon pushed me downward, only my sword and my balance keeping me alive.

" Damnit Blackjack!" I yelled.

He turned his head towards me with a look of sass on his face.

"Oh now you want my help?"

"Blackjack!" I yelled as the gorgon pushed me off balance.

"Well, do you?" He sassed.

"Blackjack!" I yelled again.

"Do you, Boss?" He sassed agin. Was he trying to work on my nerves?

"Damnit, blackjack! Yes! Now stop sassing me or else you won't have a boss to sass anymore!" I yelled. That seemed to wipe the smug look off Blackjack's face.

He kicked the gorgon and it disintegrated into golden dust.

"Thanks for the help, Blackjack." I muttered.

" Anytime, boss. What can I help with now?" He asked.

I looked at Annabeth. She was fighting telekhines and a gorgon at the same time. And things weren't going as well with her.

So I joined her in unison, we fought the monsters until there were no telekhines or gorgons left.

"Thanks for the help, Seaweed brain. " she said and kissed my cheek.

"You are welcome, my wise girl." I smiled and bowed playfully.

She laughed. "Come on, we still have a lot to do."

Together, we charged against a sea of monsters, knowing that we'd be okay if we stuck together.

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