I'd like to see you try

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There was an explosion of dust and that's when I knew that Polybotes was gone. I felt something puncture the skin on my shoulder, but it was weird. It wasn't painful. I fell to my knees and felt myself shake with fear and dread and a light thumping pain in my shoulder. My ears popped and I couldn't tell what was real and what was not.

I was in a daze. I felt hands grab my good shoulder and shake me, but it was like I couldn't control myself. Everything felt cold, damp and numb.

" Is Percy Ok?" I heard Tyson ask.

" I don't know. But we need to get him to the infirmary. Heos going to die if we don't move fast." Annabeth said. I felt myself getting lifted up and getting carried.

But I let the darkness take control of me before we arrived there.

Time skip

I opened my eyes to find myself on a stretcher in a white tent. Confusion made the bells inside my brain ring, giving me a spliting headche.

And a burning sensation erupted in my right shoulder. I looked over at my shoulder and saw that it was bandaged and golden icor could clearly be seen through the bandages


Something's wrong.

Where's Annabeth?

"Annabeth? Where's Annabeth? I need to see her now!" Will Solace ran over and tried to keep me down as I started to panic.

"Percy calm down." He ordered.

" No I won't calm down! Where is she? Is she alright?" I argued stubbornly.

"Percy relax. I'm right here" I heard her say. I turned my head and looked at her beautiful face. She had mud on her face and her shirt was ripped on the sleeves. Hairs from her ponytail hung loose and her hands were full of golden dust and blood. But it didn't matter. She looked beautiful.

" You look like crap." She commented.

"Thanks." I said sheepishly.

She walked over to me and sat down beside me. "You had a dam arrow in your shoulder. I was worried sick about you. I told you not to die, didn't I?" She sniffed. "And what do you do? You get yourself shot with an arrow." She started sobbing. " I thought I lost you" she cried.

"Wise girl..." I put my hand on her cheek and wiped her teardrops with my thumb. I sat up and kissed her. "You are going to need a lot more than an arrow in my shoulder to get rid of me. I'm a god now, remember?"

"Yeah, but the way I know you, you'd probably manage to get killed anyway."

I chuckled.

"From now on, we stick together.  As long as we're together, right?" I asked.

" As long as we''re together..." she echoed.

Will put a hand on Annabehth's shoulder.

"He needs to rest."

"No, I don't. Just get me a glass of water and I'll be good as new." I told him. Will gave me an angry look.

" At least stay in bed for the day." He said.

" Only if Annabeth can stay with me" I insisted.

"Fine." He sighed nd turned around. A few minutes later, there was a huge commotion as Tony tried to get through all the people, and all the while stepping on the apollo kids feet in his ironman suit, only his face revealed.

" Percy!" He yelled over the crowd. I looked up and waved at him.

He finally made his way through the infirmiry to me.

" You ok?" He asked.overprotective as usual.

" I'm alive, aren't I?" I shrugged.

"This isn't funny, Percy." He said.

" I know. I am the one who was shot in the shoulder with an arrow. It bloody hurt!" I said sarcastically.

Tony's expression changed. After a moment, he took a breath and asked Annabeth to give us moment.

She nodded and went over to where Piper sat with Jason.

"Percy....you know that I care deeply for you, right?" He asked.

"Yeah I know." I said.

" good. That, and the fact that Annabeth loves you and you love her, should keep you from getting yourself killed. I don't want you to get hurt like this."he said.

"Tony, I'm a demigod. There's nothing I can do about it. At least I'm immortal now, so that helps."

"I know that, but I also know you. Just try not to get yourself killed, okay? For my sake and the sake of your wife." He said.

I nodded. Tony gave a sigh of relief and stood up.

"Okay, well, I should probably go back to the fight." Tony said.

"Wish I could join you, but I'm stuck here for a whole day." I said.

" You poor thing." He said, unsympathetically.

Then he turned around and walked out.

I couldn't help but smile.

I think I'm okay, for now.

Want to take over me, Darkness?

I'd like to see you try.

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