We kick some monster ass and Jason passes out. Again.

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Damnit guys, I got another writers block. But no worries, I'll just get over it.
*head yells* It doesn't work like that!
*Gives head a dirty look and crossed arms* It works how I want it to work! And I WILL get over this dam writers block.
Anyways, love you guys. I have good news too. I'm going to make a sequel! *jazz hands* yay!
Gh0stwr1t3r out!

It was easier said than done. There were hundreds of thousands of monsters, if not millions. We got worn out quickly.

Annabeth was right beside me every step of the way.

The Avengers were trying to kill a a couple of cyclopes. But they were failing miserably. They were playing defence not offence. The rest of the camp were fairing better than the Avengers, thats for sure.

Tyson got to me and fought alongside me and Annabeth.

"We should deal with Plybotes before we run out of energy, Tyson" I yelled over the roars and hisses of the monsters.

" Yaay, fight giant with Percy." Tyson clapped his hands.

"Come on, we'd better get there quick" I said as I impaled a gorgon with Riptide.

" And how are e going to do that?" Annabeth asked. " he's at the other side of the hill and we are way over here. Besides, we need the gods to defeat the giants."

"Wise girl, we are gods. I can vapour travel us there and we can use an Athena kid and Tyson to defeat them. " I looked at her, and then something caught my eye. Jason was fighting a Minotaur. And a monster behind him threw him with a brick.


I took water from the lake and splashed the monsters away.

"Annabeth, come on! Jason has been hit with a brick in the head. He passed out" I grabbed her hand and ran towards him.

I heard Annabeth sigh. " Again?!" She shouted.

I seriously considered ending the chappy right here, just to freak you guys out, but I'm gonna be nice this one time and not end it just yet. You're welcome.

Gh0stwr1t3 out!

After we helped get Jason to the infirmary, I made hurricane, scooped up Annabeth, Tyson and another Athena kid and went over to Polybotes.

"You go beat Anclyoneus up and I'll do Polybotes. I'll come help you when if I'm done and you aren't." I said and she nodded.

Tyson and I charged at Polyboted where he was trying to kill a few demigods.

Polybotes was the anti-Poseidon. All I had to do was dry him out then he would be defeated. But that would result in me terrifying Annabeth.
I didn't want to, but what choice did I have?

I made sure Annabeth wasn't looking and then I felt the familliar tug in my stomach. I knew it was wrong and I felt terrible doing it, but some deaths were just meant to happen in a certain way. There was a bloodcurling scream and I closed my eyes when I realised it was coming from me.

Hey guys! Gh0stwr1t3r here.

I have nothing to say, I just thought I should show this to y'all.

I have nothing to say, I just thought I should show this to y'all

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Gh0stwr1t3r out!

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