I die

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Before you put down this book, thinking " Oh No! It was so great and now it ends with the worst ending ever!"

It's not what it looks like.

I mean, yeah, it's exactly what it looks like, but... it's complicated.

Let's rewind a little bit, before you totally freak out nd put this book down. Believe me, this is not the end of our little adventure.

Ok, so we were fighting Thanos and things were going pretty well. Tony was flying around shooting blasts at Thanos, and that Starlord guy joined in with the fighting, along with his crew.

Annabeth and I got separated twice by the raging group of demigods behind us.

But we found each other again.

The third time, though, we weren't so lucky. Thanos was swatting demigods away like pesky little ants. Annabeth managed to duck in time, but I wasn't so lucky. I was thrown at least five miles away.

I landed in a grassy field with a sickening crack.

Everything hurt. I couldn't even blink my eyes without the urge to scream in pain. There wa no water near that I coul summon.

I tried to get up, but I couldn't.

So when a bunch of monsters showed up with spears ready to strike, I knew i was done for.

But I couldn't move, so even if I got rescued by some miracle, how would I be able to get back to Annabeth and the others?

Fortunately, my miracle came.

And his name was Nico di Angelo.

He shadowtraveled all the way and killed all the monsters by sucking them into the ground.

The air filled with the scent of the dead, which I knew all too well.

He turned around and shock filled his eyes.

"Percy!" He yelled an ran over to me.

"Hey Neeks." I croaked.

"Don't worry, Percy, I'll get you back to Annabeth."

"Nico, I can't. Everything hurts." I said. My body felt as if it was on fire, but inder huge block of ice at the same time.

" I am not going to leave you here! You are Percy jackson! You can't die like this!"

"I don't think I'm going to die just yet, Nico. But I am in for a world of pain." I joked.

"How can you joke at a time like this? When your life is on the line?"

"Nico, everybody dies at some point. " I said.

"Don't talk like that! I'm going to get you out of here and you will live."

" If you say so." I tried to shrug, but pain erupted in my chest as I tried and I ended up shaking.

" Annabeth is going to kill you." Nico said. My eyes started to get heavy as the pain was overthrown by tiredness.

" I know." I yawned. My eyes drooped and I only saw Nico's epression turn horror stricken befor my eyes closed altogther.

Nico pov

"No no no no no. Percy, wake up." I tried to shake him, but then I remembered that pain was the reason he blacked out inthe first place.so I let go quickly and yelled at him to wake up.

"No, Percy, you can't just die like that. You are the son of Poseidon after all." I said.



Water! Maybe water will heal him!

I picked him up and shadowtraveled to a nearby stream and put him in the water.

Come on.

"Please. Poseidon and...Dad. let this work. I know that it can work. Please" I pleaded. Then I looked over at Percy.

" And you! You better not die. Annabeth is waiting for you to come back. So this better work."

Ten minutes passed.

"Why isn't it working?" I asked myself.

I looked at Percy again.

I checked for pulse.


No he can't be gone. He just can't be.

Haha! I'm so evil! Im gonna end it right here for now. Don't worry, this is not the end of the book and *spoilers* Percy is going to make it. Im not saying how, but you have to bare with me now. Hah cliffy! You are probably throwing the laptop or tablt or phone around the room with anger, but you now you love me. And you know you love this book so you have to continue reading it. Booya! You won't be able to sleep tonight unless I tell you what happens next. Well, you are just going to have to wait for the next chappy. Good luck!
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Gh0stwr1t3r out!

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