now I'm just somebody that I used to know

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Three weeks later
Nobody's POV

Percy woke up on a hospital bed, but by now he knew that he wasn't in the hospital. Its was more like a lab
A lab where Centipede did experiments on him.

They had erased his memories and tried to amplify his powers, but the Centipede serum didn't work on him. You see, he didn't have these powers becauee something happened to him, he had it because his father was literally the god of the sea.

He didn't remember who he was, where he was or who he knew. All that he knew was yhat they were going to keep torturing him until they got what they wanted and then give him to an organisation named HYDRA, where they would use him as a weapon.

One day, he was just so tired of the experiments that he cracked. He felt all the water in the room and made it vibrate and burst all the glass in the room and litterally caused a miniature hurricane and An earthquake that followed inside the room.

He didn't realise what he's done until one of the scientists put on the television the next day.

All the the pipes in the city had burst and lead straight to the building in which he was in.

He hadn't felt any hope for a long time, but now, he knew what it felt like. Somebody was going to find him and free him.

Reyna looked at him with satisfaction.

"So you finally gave in. We know what you can do. You can be of great use to HYDRA. They will appreciate the gift from us."

Percy POV

"No." I muttered.

"What did you say?" She asked.

"I said no. You can ship me inside a box to anyplace in the world, but Reyna, you will never see the danger of my hydrokinetic powers ever again. Congratulations! You finally broke me. You took me and made me a different man from who I was four weeks ago. Against my will. Now I am but a walking corpse with a broken soul. And you will never see what it can do. You know why? Because I am going to bury you with it."

The adrenaline rush made let me break loose from the restraints on my hands and feet. I ran out of there as fast as I could and when I was sure that I was far enough away, I crumbled down. I yelled out loud and fell onto my knees.

For a first time in what felt like centuries, I needed somebody. I needed somebody to hold me and tell me it's ok. I felt like a little kid that had a bad nightmare.

When I finally calmed down, I decided that I would try to find anything about my past by following the water of the burst pipes. I realised that only some of the pipes were broken so I followed the trail. It took me hours to get to the first place. It was a two storey house with a small back yard and a homy aura to it.

I walked to the front door and hesitated before I knocked.

"In a minute!" I heard a woman's voice. It sounded very familiar and somewhat comforting. I gave a sigh of relief, though I didn't even know why I would be relieved.

A beautiful woman stood at the front door. She had blond, curly hair and grey eyes. She seemed to recocnise me.

Her eyes filled with tears before she swung her arms around me and kissed me. Then she punched me.

"Seaweed brain! I told you to be careful! Where were you?!"

I looked at her with a confused expression. Who was she again?

"I don't understand." I said.

"What do you not understand, Percy?"she asked.

"Why the water brought me here. Who are you?"

"Seaweed brain, this better be a joke. If it's not, I swear I will kill that Hera." She clenched her fists

"It isn't a joke, but it wasn't Hera-whoever that is- either. It was Centipede. " she gasped.

"Come on, I have to get you to SHIELD." She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the car.

Hey you lovely readers!!!! So I hope you guys are happy. I know I am. I updated, what, three times today? And I adore all of your comments and votes and reads and whatnot! I laugh everytime somebody says in the comments "aw it's a cliffhanger". And I get this warm, fuzzy feeling every time somebody says in the comments that they want another update. Well, everybody, this is my gift to you. Three updates in one day. And its dedicated to @susutls. Seriously though, you guys are awesome and I wouldn't have gotten this far if you hadn't started to read my book and to like it.

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