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"What. Happened." I demanded. I bet my face was as red as a tomato from anger.

Steve tried standing up, but failed miserably, so Tony gave him a hand.

"We tried to get hi to come quietly, but he refused. We had to do it forcefully. "Tony stated.

"After I told you that he swore on the river Styx that he wouldn't cause any harm?! Unbelievable!" I shouted.

"Orders from Fury. He told us to bring him in if we saw him. For questioning. Loki is the god of Mischief.  I'm sure there is some way he can cheat the sacred promise. There always is. He could have hurt you." Said Tony.

"And I would've handled it. Gods Tony!  Im not nine anymore! I've been to tartarus and back and I ended  two wars! I little stab wound won't hurt me as much as it would've before I started going to camp!"

"I know that you aren't nine anymore, Percy! But it is my job as your adoptive father to protect you. I worry, that's all." Said Tony.

"No, stop hiding behind the parenting excuse! You don't trust me to take care of myself. You think I am too weak!"

Tony stayed silent.

"I knew it." I hissed.

"Percy-" I interupted him.

"Why don't you trust me? Why do you think of me as a little kid? I will be twenty soon. I could've moved out two years ago! You've seen what I can do. You won't let me out of your sight! Why?"

"Because I don't want to lose you! Percy, you mean everything to me! If you went out on one of your quests and didn't come back, I would be a wreck. The only reason I don't let you out of my sight is because I know that this is a dangerous life you are living and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you. I just don't want to lose you. " he pleaded.

"Tony, you still haven't figured it out..."

"Figured what out?" He asked.

"You already lost me when I went to camp for the first time. You know I was never the same when I came back." With those words hanging in the air, I walked out. Out of the tower, out of Tony's life. For good. I was going to start a new life with Annabeth.

Or I was just going to get a job and work my way up from there.

But first, I had to get the summer solstice over with.

He is a special kidWhere stories live. Discover now