Oh you know you love me

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Ooh you know you love me!

Hey guys! Gh0twriter here.
I see you guys are really upset about what  did to percy in the last chapter. There were a few who threatened to throw me in Tartatus and told me that I am just like Rick Riordan when he threw percabeth in tartarus. I mean, wow. I know i'm evil, but i really didn't expect that. You guys seemed very upset and I'm sorry for that (well not really, I laughed at your reactions) so here's me, singing to you not to worry about it cause I'm gonna fix it.
Me: *makes jazz handsnd sways sideways while singing* DON'T WORRY ABOUT A THING    CAUSE EVERY LITTLE THING IS GONNA BE ALRIGHT. *bows down low and catches a bouquet of roses*

Anyways keep commenting and voting and

Ps.   Love you guys so much. Thanks for everything.

Gh0stwr1t3r out!
Nico Pov

I've gotta say, for once I didn't know what to do. The sun was setting and Camp Half-blood's butts were getting kicked. And percy was dead.

What do I do now?

Annebeth would be heartbroken to know that Percy is dead. They were married. The were going to have kids and be a happy family.

( I didn't really know until now, because I didn't see his wedding ring until now. But it didn't surprise me. The've wanted to marry each other since they were sixteen, or at least, Percy wanted to marry Annabeth)

What was I supposed to do now?

Wait a second.

I am a child of Hades. I can revive him!

Oh please let this work!

I turned away from Percy just to figure out how I was going to do this, but then I heard coughing.

Like genuine, life hanging on a thread, coming back from the dead, trying not to choke on muddy water kind of cough.

I turned around and....

Percy Pov

So, I died. Or at least, it felt like I did.

I knew that Nico tried to dump me in the stream, because I felt it, and it didn't seem like he was even trying to be careful.

It's weird, because I am immortal, which means I shouldn't be able to die, and I did, so...

So what the hell happened?

Good question.

For a moment I was surrounded by darkness, and it felt like I was floating, but I could'e sworn that I saw the Fates in the distance with sassy sunglasses on (Which were way too big for them by the way,) wagging their fingers at me as if to say "ooh nu-uh, joke's on you! We ain't gonna let you die just yet, boy. You're immortal now, so we can make you suffer forever!"

And, you see, Nico asked very nicely, and that doesn't happen often, so I guess I had that in my favour too. 

So, technically, if I were still a mortal, I would've been goner, but since I was immortal, I only died a little bit and then came back on my own.

And get this. I opened my eyes, gasping for air, and the first thing that entered my mouth was muddy water. So I choked myself back to life.

I looked up to see a mixture of horror, shock, anger, sadness and glee on the face of my little cousin -Nico.

" You little piece of shit!" He walked toward me and pushed me over.

"Nice to see you too, nico." I said as I rubbed the mud out of my hair.

" I told you to hold on! I told you to fight it, but nooo! You had to close your eyes and die! You had to make me feel worried about what I would tell Annabeth -not to mention the Avengers and Tyson! Tyson would've squeezed you back to life. I was at the point of trying to revive you! That has never been done, Percy!"

"To be fair, I only died a little bit."

"Oh and that makes it so much better!"

"Well, thank you Nico, for making me feel bad about dying and then coming back to life." I said sarcastically.

"Damnit, Percy. Let's get you back to the fight before your wife has a heartattack with worry. "  he said and offered me a hand. I took it and he helped me up.

After a moment of silence (broken by me), I said, "Nico?"


"Thank you. For caring and trying to get me back to life, I mean." I said.

"Don't get all mushy on me now, Jackson. We still have a war to win." he grumbled. "Come on, we need to get you back there before people start wondering whether you are alive or not."

"Right. Let's go." I agreed.

Together we shadowtraveled back to camp.

We arrived right in front of a furious Annabeth.

"Percy, I'm going to kill you!" 

"I think he's died enough times for today, Annabeth" said Nico.

"You actually died?"

"Just a little bit," I said. "On the inside."

"You stupid, reckless, irresponsible-" she spat. 

"There's no need for that, Wise Girl." I interrupted. "I'm back."

"You can be grateful for that, because if you weren't, I would have marched all the way to the Underworld, dragged you back here, and killed you."

"I love you too."

"Shut up."

There we go! Now you don't have the urge to throw me into tartarus anymore, or maybe you do, but whatever. You know you love me.
Sorry if his chappy was dissapointing, and it was VERY SHORT, but I didn't know what elseto do. So there. Keep voting and commenting and

Gh0stwr1t3r out!

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