Four years later

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Four years later
Percy is 23
Level 8 S.H.I.E.L.D. agent
Percy and Annabeth are married. (Annabeth will be in this chapter)

Meep meep meep meep meep!

I groaned. My eyelids were heavy and I couldn't move.

I felt something soft on my body. Some kind of cloth? Definitely thick, I felt stuck. Some kind of belt was wrapped around my bare chest.

Meep meep meep meep meep!

Where was that sound coming from? A heartmonitor? A pipebomb? A fire alarm?

I've dealt with plenty of those since I joined SHIELD. I made a point of it never to expose myself to Steve or Natasha in the organisation.
( not that I ever got in touch with them... but I work on the same floor as them so they have probably noticed me, but haven't recocnised me yet.)

Meep meep meep meep meep!

I groaned again and opened my eyes, wondering where I was.

I noticed the light brown sheets on our bed and the comfy pillow under my head. I looked at the very annoying alarm clock and pushed the button to shut it down. Annabeth's arm what wrapped around me. I looked at her beautiful face and kissed her head.

"Good morning Wise Girl." I cooed into her ear.

He eyes fluttered open and a smile creeped onto her face. "Morning Seaweed brain."

"I have to get up. You can sleep for a while longer. Its almost 5 am." I whispered.

She smiled sleepily and nodded. I unwrapped myself from the sheets and stood up, walking to my dresser. I put on a suit, strapped a gun to my belt and put my badge in my jacket pocket. I walked to the bathroom and looked into the mirror.

I looked like shit.

I probably didn't lie still last night because of the nightmares. I brushed my teeth while I used my powers to get my hair tidied up.

I went to the kitchen and made blue pancakes. I left some of it in the oven for Annabeth and made some coffee for us both. I put het coffee beside the bed and walked to the garage.

Climbing into the car, I almost spilled my coffee all over my pants. I sighed and closed the door, starting the car and reversed out into the driveway. As I was driving out, another car came towards me and didn't slow down. He was driving like a drunk and he drove his car right into mine with a crash!

My whole car almost toppled over on impact, but lucky for me, it didn't.

This was not how theday was supposed to start.

I climbed out of the car and marched towards the driver. I yanked the car door open and pulled the man out.

"Are you Freaking Nuts?!" I yelled. "You could've killed us both!" His breath reeked of alcohol and maybe something else (at least it smelled like alcohol). I could've sworn that there was a smile creeping upon his face.

"Are you drunk?!" I yelled disgustedly.

The man grinned widely and his face seemed like he was fully focused. I let go of him, but that just made his stupid grin get bigger. He took something out of his pocket that looked like a spray can.

What happened next caught me by surprise...

He sprayed some kind of chemical into my face which made my eyes burn and my my vision to blur. It wasn't Pepper spray, pepper spray didn't hurt even nearly as much as this did. He punched me in the face and kicked me while I was down I cried out. Im pretty sure that broke a rib. I came back up quickly and gave him an uppercut which knocked him out.

I called Agent Coulson and told him that I was going to be late.

Annabeth came out to see what all the commotion was about( mind you, she was still in her pajamas). When she saw me, she gasped and ranto me. She checked my face and took me inside to check my injuries.

As I ate the ambrosia and lied down for ten minutes.

Ring ring ring ring!

My cellphone rang and I picked it up.

"This is Johnson." I said.

"Agent Johnson, we need you here. Where are you?" Asked agent Hills.

"I got attacked. I'll be there in thirty minutes."

"Make it twenty. " with that, she hung up. I looked at Annabeth.

"I have to go, Wise girl" I whispered.

"I know. Don't die. If you do, I will kill you. "

"You won't kill me, you love me too much. " I joked.

"Try me." She challenged.

I stood up and walkd out, getting the other car and driving out of the driveway and to S.H.I.E.L.D. The sky was grey and it almost looked like it was going to snow.

Four years ago, right after I got recruited, when I went to the solstice the council talked about Order and Chaos. "It wouldn't be long" Zeus had said." Order has most of his power back and it won't be long until he declares war against Chaos. We have to do everything we can to prevent that. "

"But how? Plenty of our heroes have been lost in the second Giant war. And our best hero is now a god." Hera inquired.

"All due respect, lady Hera, but I have to correct you on that one. I am a minor god. I can still fight for you." I argued.

After a while the meeting ended and I Left.

Anyway, as I stopped the car and climbed out I heard a explosion behind me. I turned around and gasped.

There, where the second floor had been was blood-red flames licking the side of building. The intense heat could be felt from where I was standing. But something was different about this explosion.

Flames weren't supposed to be bloodred, were they? I ran around the corner where nobody could see me and used my powers to put out the fire. Hopefully the mist showed that there were firemen and that the hose didn't just explode and magically put out the fire.

I ran towards the S.H.I.E.L.D. building. I was already almost an hour late. I raced towards Coulson's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." He called.

I opened the door and walked in. Coulson took in my appearance. My jacket was ripped and my hair was untidy from all the running and knocking out the guy who crashed into me back in the driveway.

"You look like you've gone through hell." He commented.

I wanted to tell him that I went through hell a few years ago, but that would just make him suspicious of my identity. So instead, I kept my mouth shut.

"When I called, agent Hill said that I was needed here. What was that about?" I asked.

"Oh yes, we've encountered some terrorists this morning, but get this: they work for HYDRA."

"HYDRA?" I said, "I thought that organisation ended"

"Well, it didn't. Now we've got several HYDRA agents running around. Now, I know that you can get an answer out of somebody within twenty seconds so we need you to interrogate them and find out where the rest of them are. "

"alright sir. Where can I find them?" I asked.

"They are in the interogation room downstairs. You are excused."

I nodded to him and walked out.

When I got downstairs, I walked straight towards the interrogation rooms, but when I got there, the terrorists were nowhere in sight!

I opened the door and walked in. As soon as I did though, I got knocked in the back of the head with something hard.

Black spots danced around in my sight before I completely blacked out.

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