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Percy POV

Ok, Thor being god was not what bothered me. Ok I admit that it bothered me a bit, but definitely not that much. Right before Tony came in, i got an Iris Message from my dad. My real dad, Poseidon. It was definitely urgent, because ususally he came right up to me. He would not hesitate to come right to the Avengers tower and pay me a visit.

Once, he came on my birthday and gave me a sand dollar. At the time, tony didn't know the the Greek gods existed. Thor sometimes told "greek myths" at dinner and he claimed that they weren't real, but he just made that a cover story so that they didn't need to live with that burden. Ever since i told them, Thor has stopped telling stories about the greek gods.

I'm going off topic again, aren't I? Stupid ADHD!

Anyway, so my dad Iris messaged me. He was friendly as usual, but this time, it was a bit too friendly. Almost scary.

He asked me about school.

That is what scared me. He's a god. He doesn't care about school. And as my dad, he should know that I graduated two years ago.

He had a forced smile on his face. Oh no. I knew this drill. He was being nice because he wanted something. He kept on telling me that he was proud of me and that he wanted to come visit, but things were just going a bit crazy in the ocean at the moment.

Finally, after what seemed like an hour of congratulating me, I cracked.

" Ok dad. Al due respect, but please get to the point."

Poseidon sighed.

"Percy, I want you to become a god -my lieutenant, I need you at the summer solstice next week. It's really urgent. Something is big is coming. And as much as I hate to admit it, we need you. Are you willing to become a god?"

I was silent for a few seconds," Dad, don't get me wrong. It is a great offer, but if you make me a god, what happens then? Do I leave this life behind? What about Annabeth? What happens to her? Does she stay mortal? As much as I appreciate the offer, if I need to leave everything behind, then I decline it."

"Lady Athena has already asked Annabeth. She said the exact same thing. When she told Annabeth that we are asking you too, she said she would do it if you did."

I have to admit. The gods doing anthing necessary for me to join them, surprised me.

"Alright, I'll do it."

Poseidon smiled. Like a genuine smile. A smile that could keep your insides warm and fuzzy for hours. Next he pointed his trident at me and a blinding light blasted out of it and at me. When it hit me, it felt like I was in the river Styx again or maybe it's that burning sensation I felt with the gorgon's poison inside my body. Like I was dissolving. Every inch of my body burned. But as I was turning, a vision flashed before my eyes. A big creature, laughing deeply. It was an old laugh. Like an old man laughing at a cheesy joke, but also evil. It glowed red. And when he said my name, a cold shiver ran up and down my spine. The creature said it with pure hatred and evil.

When it was done, it felt like I was smoking. I fell down onto my knees and breathed heavily. I looked at my skin. It was glowing.

My dad dusted his hands off and said,"well then, see you at the solsitice" and just like that, he vanished.

Finally, I got up and picked up the flower and the eggs and walked to the counter. Then I stopped. I think I found a new terrifying thing in the world. Not as terrifying as tartarus, no that would always be a more terrifying thing than anything else in the world. I know that I never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever want to return there. I almost got killed down there. It was the only time that I was actually terrified for my life. Because if I died there, Annabeth would definitely die. We needed each other. I needed her. I don't know what I would do in Elysium without her. It was either together or not at all.

Im straying off topic now, aren't I?

Suddenly something touched my shoulder. I flinched even though I know it was just Tony.

Finally, I stabilised myself on the counter and put a hand on my face. How was I going to tell Tony? I just did the gesture that something definitely bothered me. Ok, I decided to tell him when he asked what was wrong.

Eventually, he did. Ok, I thought. Do it now.

"Thor is a god" Damnit!!! Why did I have to bring Thor into this? I saw a grin creeping onto Tony's face.

And just when I thought that things couldn't get any worse, Thor stepped in asnd asked," what are you two chatting about?"


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