fool me twice, shame on me. I won't let it happen a third time

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So we rushed out, only to see Thor in a badass kneeling position with the tesseract in his hand. I almost had a panic attack when I saw that dam thing and hid behind Tony and Annabeth for protection.

Annabeth looked at me with the 'wtf' expression and said, "seriously? You can't honestly tell me that you are afraid of a blue cube."

"Oh that's not just any cube. That's the tesseract. An infinity stone. Percy got stabbed with a spear by Thor's brother, Loki, who had placed that thing in the spear. Loki also tried to steal my heart and the heart of Clint with that thing, and not in the romantic way." Tony explained.

I looked over at Thor, who was still in that badass landing position. I rolled my eyes.

"Ok Thor, we get it. You are the almighty badass. You can get up now." I shouted over Annabeth and Tony's shoulders.

"I might be a god, but I have never felt more badass than this. " he replied, but didn't get up.

"Dude, the moment is gone. The more time we waste looking at your badass position, the more demigods get killed by the minute." I said, trying to persuade him to get up. And he finally did.

"Yeah, you're right. The moment is gone." He said.

After a long moment of silence, Annabeth finally said," Ok, do you all understand what we are going to do?"

We all nodded and went our separate ways to our positions.

Tony was flying again and blasting Thanos with sonic blast, Nat and Clint were in the infirmary, Steve was getting every demigod he could out of the way and Bruce was still big and green and destroying everything in his path.

Thanos was feeding off the earthcore. If we didn't stop him, nobody would. Because there wouldn't be anyone left to stop him. He would crack the Earth and we would all incinerate.

No pressure.

Finally, Thor put the tesseract in his hammer (don't ask me how) and whacked Thanos upside the head.

It seemed to hurt him, because he doubled over and held the backside of his head with his left hand, momentarily distracting himself.

I welled up all the water I could get out of the lake and held it obove him. Sure, it wasn't completely according to plan, but Thor seemed to understand my intentions, because he summoned a bolt of lightning ad aimed it at the water.

To my surprise, he water didn't vaporise. Instead, it only conducted the electricity, making it even deadlier.

Fortunately, Thanos looked up and opened his mouth to shout, but instead, he got enough water to fill a lake, in his mouth. All the while conducting electricity from the skies and from the tesseract.

Thanos had a look of shock and pain written all over his face.

Then he doubled over and yelled, " You really think your world is save? I will crush you all!"

Thor landed in front of him and replied, "This is not the first time you've tried this. The first time, you said the exact same thing. And we beat you. You are arrogant. We will be here the next time you try this, and we will beat you again. Because you constantly believe that you will get it right. And we let you believe that, because we want you to underestimate us."

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I will ot let it happen a third time." Thanos said.

Suddenly he yelled out again with rage and there was a BOOM and a BAM and something exploded, forcing us to get cover.

When the worst was gone, I looked again. Thanos had dissapeared.

" Is everyone alright?!" I shouted.

"Percy!" I heard Annabeth yell histerically.

"Wise girl?" I asked.

"Percy, you have to see this." Clint said as he ran over to me, even though he was injured. His eyes were full of sorrow and I immediately knew something was wrong.

I ran behind Clint and saw Annabeth and Will crouching over some scrap metal.

But it was red and gold....

Oh no.

"What happened?!" I felt hot tears running down.

Annabeth looked at me an wiped off her tears.

"What happened?!" I yelled through the tears.

"He got hit by thanos. He was sent lying and he landed on his back. I'm trying to see of he's still alive, but I can't open this helmet."will said.

I immediately took action. I wavedmy hand in front of the iron suit's helmet and it opened up immediately, revealing the bloody face of Tony Stark -the man who raised me.

Will stuck his index finger and his middle finger to Tony's throat and felt for pulse. I held my breath and crossed my fingers and hoped to the gods that he was still alive.

"He's got a heartbeat! Help me move him into a stretcher!" Will

Great! Hey guys. Gh0stwr1t3r here.

So this is the last chapter, except for the epilogue, which I will publish after this. I bet you want to throw me in tartarus right now. But know you won't because you love me. And without me, you wouldn't even have this book. I have a little surprise for you guys which I will reveal soon after the epilogue.

So anyway, enjoy this little cliffy and I will publish the epilogue shortly.

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Gh0stwr1t3r out!

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