he left for good

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A week had passed since I left. Luckily for me, I had emergency money in my pocket. I had put in some blonde highlights, cut my hair a bit shorter and got myself hazel brown contact lenses and glasses. I kept my name, though. I didn't tell anybody my surname, and whenever I did, I changed it to Johnson.

So here I was, walking down the street with my new look, when I got tacked from behind. As soon as I hit the ground, I kicked the guy off me and stood up in a battling stance. He came charging again. Probably a hungry bum trying to get money or something. I sidestepped easily and knocked him to the ground.

Unfortunately I was in public, so I couldn't kick the bum's butt. I let him go. He didn't have the aura of a monster. However, when I turned around, I found myself face to face with the man I haven't seen in five years. The one and only Nick Fury.

"You've got skill, kid." He said. "I wouldn't mind having a guy like you on in my company. "

"Thanks, Mr...." I played dumb.

"Nick Fury. And you are?"

"Percy Johnson. Nice to meet you." I shook his hand.

"You have quite a firm grip thee, son."

"Thanks, what can I help you with, sir?" I asked.

"I've seen you quite a lot around these parts of New York therse last few days. You handle yourself pretty well. Do you have a job?"he asked.

"I'm new in town. Still looking for a job around here. I don't think I found the right city for myeslf though. I'm trying to get a cab to take me someplace else, but unfortunately for me, I'm broke. So I guess I'm stuck here in this overcrowded city." I shook my head frustratedly.

"Well, Mr Johnson, I have a job for you. Have you ever heard of SHIELD?"


I seriously thought about just ending it right here, but lucky for you, it's weekend! So I guess I can continue.

Tony POV

Percy left.

I get it that he was pretty pissed, but he just ran off. It's like he vanished off the face of the earth.

When he stepped foot out of the tower, Steve looked at , me and tried running after him.

I smashed a plate against the table and yelled in frustration and stomped out of the kitchen where Natasha stopped me.

"Look, I know that we are not on the best of terms with Loki right now, but Tony, If Percy tells you that Loki won't attack, you have to trust him, or else it won't be long until Percy loses his trust in you. So my point is, take a deep breath, calm down and talk to him. You and Percy haven't spent time with each other in forever. So get yourself together and Let him earn your trust. In return you might earn his."

I nodded with gratitude and ran to the elevator to get Percy before he's gone.

Turns out, luck wasn't on my side. Percy was long gone. Steve was outside the door on the steps. When I came out, he looked at me and said," He's gone, Tony."

I put my hand to my face and sat down on the filthy stairs with my brand new suit.

Steve put a hand on my shoulder. "He can take care of himself. He's tough. Don't worry, give it two days, he'll be back. You'll see, he always comes back."

But he didn't. He didn't come back within two days, or a week, or a month. I hoped that he would com back, but deep inside, I knew that he had left.

For good.

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