I get kidnapped by a satyr and a demigod

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Hey lovely readers ! Happy new year!!! Gods, it's been forever since I've updated. I am SOOO sorry about that!!! It's been quite crazy around here. So to make up for it, I will give you two chapters today, maybe three. Anyway, this chappy goes to.....*drumroll*.....@The_Bookworm_Girl
Gh0stwr1t3r out!

I don't know what I expected, but it wasn't this. A pretty blonde girl with jean and an orange shirt. She wore a Yankees cap and had a necklace on with five clay beads. The guy had brown hair and was crippled. He also had jeans and an orange shirt. He looked much older that the girl. He had a goatee and also wore a hat. Bigger that what the girl wore, but still.

I raised an eyebrow when the girl spoke up.

"Percy Jackson, can you come take a walk with us?"

"Uhm....sorry, how do you know my name? Do I know you?" I asked.

"Uh, that's not important right now. We need to go now" the girl said hurriedly.

"No. I don't even know you and you expect me to just come with you? I don't think so." I said, totally outraged.

"Percy, believe it or not, we were supposed to take care of you after your mother died." The guy said.

"Okay, well, I have news for you! You are pretty much six years late. I'm not going anywhere. "

"We have to take you to camp. One way or another." Said the guy. I saw him reach into his backpack and take out some kind of sack.was he about to do what I think he was going to do? Did he seriously think he would be able to kidnap Tony, aka the Ironman's adoptive son without raising the alarms? Might I add, in a room full of hidden cameras and the entire Avengers team? And JARVIS of course.

"What's the bag for?" I asked, just to let them know that I saw it. The guy's eyes widened and he stammered something like "I bought...uhm...apples...and uhm....I'm hungry"

"But it's empty." I sarcastically said. Did they really think that I was that clueless?

"Right! Look at that. I wonder what happened to it. Why don't you come take a look?" He stuttered.

I snorted. He really thought I was stupid. This was really surprising since I lived with the second smartest man on earth.

"No thanks man. I'm good." Finally, the girlblooked like she has had enough of this shit and tackled me.

"What the hell?!" I yelled. She pinned me to the ground and yelled at him to get this over with. He immediately opened up the bag and tried to pull it over my head whilst the girl tied my hands behind my back.

Man, that girl was stronger than she looked. Suddenly I heard JARVIS' voice booming into the room.

"Master Jackson, are you alright? What on dear eath are you and your friends doing?"

What does it look like?! Get the avengers down here NOW!" I yelled.

"Right away, sir"

"C'mon Grover! We've gottta get out of here" the girl said in a surprisingly calm voice. So the guy's name was Grover? The dragged me out of the building and called a taxi that arrived immediately. They put me in the car,pulled the sack off my head and told the drivr to step on it. I saw the elevator doors opening and the avengers walk out. Tony looked alarmed when he saw me in the taxi's back window. He yelled something in my direction before the car sped away and I was left with these two whackoz. The avengers tower dissappeared from view and I looked at them with pure hatred.

The girl looked back at me with the calmest face I have ever seen. Calm, but fierce. Brave, but panicking.

"Who are you?" I stammered.

"My name is Annabeth Chase and this is Grover."

"What. Do. You. Want."I said through clenched teeth.

"We need you at camp." Said Grover. Ok. Looks like they didn't like to give details. I wanted to go home.

"Why do you need me? And even if you have a good reason, why should I help? You kidnapped me."

"We only kidnqpped you as a last resort. It wasn't our intention to kidnap you. An evil is rising and you might be the only one who could save the world. " said Annabeth

"Why me? What makes me so special? "

"We've been monitoring you for quite some time, Percy. You might be a child of one of the big three. " Explained Grover. I gave him a questioning look and he explained about Greek gods.

" So you're telling me that there is such things as gods?What? Are thre unicorns and leprechauns too?"I asked sarcastically.

"Percy, we are greek, not Irish" said Annabeth.

I have to admit, That was a good comeback. Even for me. And Tony declared me the king of comebacks years ago.

"So....what exactly are we up against?" I asked carfully.

"We don't know yet, but with you around, we might be able to figure it out."

"Ok, so you kidnapped me because you want me to defeat something, but you don't know what that something is. Wouldn't you be pretty pissed off if you were in my position? Because I know that I am."

"We understand that you are pretty mad right now, but once you've seen our intentions, you won't be as hateful and pissed off as you are now." Said Grover.

"Fine, but we better be careful. If Tony finds us, he will probably lock you up and never let me out of his sight ever again." I warned and with that we rode along in silence.

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