a simple no would have sufficed

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Gods guys, I'm so sorry that this was so late! School started again and now I've got projects and homework to worry about too. So you guys should be expecting slow updates. I promise that I will finish this book. I might get a few writers blocks, but im pretty sure that you guys can help me with that. After all, I have already gotten a great idea. Im not going to say where I got it, because then you would probably check it out and get the whole thing spoiled. I want to surprise you with this story by putting in a lot of rwists and turns. I dedicate this chapter to everyone who reads my book and comments and votes. Thank you guys for voting and commenting on my book! NEVER STOP BEING AWESOME! (Its been a while since I've used that saying)
Gh0stwr1t3r's out!

Percy's POV
a week later

After that stunt I pulled with Tony last week, Thor and I had a talk, or more like, he talked, I listened. Yeah, that sounds about right. He lectured me about responsibility and all that stuff. Honestly, he lost me at " percy, we need to talk."

I kond of zoned out for the rest of the lecture. I argued a bit before realising that he was going to win the argument as freaking always. He was an older and wiser god. I was still getting the hang of it.  Why did older people always have to be right? Why couldn't they just let the kid win the argument once in a while?

Finally I got bored and told him that I would do everything I can to be a good god and that I would appreciate it if nobody else found out about it. He simply nodded and walked away unsatisfied and grumbling.

I sighed and went to the kitchen to try making blue pizza for lunch.

I sticked it into the oven for twenty minutes and took it out while it was steaming.

It tasted great, but I had put on blue cheese. I don't even like blue cheese.

I turned around and almost had a heart attack! There, right behind me, stood a an with black hair, a green cape and a helmet that looked like it had two golden elephant tusks, except it was pointing upwards.

"Who the Hades are you?" I asked.

"You don't know me?" He asked and I shook my head.

No, I didn't know who the hell he was, I haven't been in New York for three years. If Tony had recruited another avenger and didn't tell me about it....

"I am Loki. God of Mischief. " he explained. I raised an eyebrow.  He sounded familliar, but he couldn't be greek. There is no Loki god of Mischief on olympus.

" never heard of you." I claimed. His mouth hang open in surprise.

"Are you sure? I am the one who started the war in New York last year. You should have heard about me." He said like it was obvious.

I shrugged. " I still don't know who you are, but you look vaguely familiar...." I put my finger to my chin and thought about it.

I swear I've seen those tusks before. Where did he get those tusks? Did he like, slay a golden Elephant or something?  I like elephants, but not as much as horses. And that makes sense because I am the son of Poseidon. Oh yeah! My dad made me a god too!  The solstice was coming up and I had no idea what to do. But what about this blue pizza? Maybe I can make some for the other gods.  I'm sure dad will like it, but I don't know about the others though. Dad is the god of the sea and my brother works in his palace. I miss Tyson.

I got pulled out of my thoughts when Loki snapped his fingers in front of my face and said, " earth to Perceus."  Dam ADHD!

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