where have you been, man?

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I had to restrain myself from tackling Leo in a bear hug and then punching him until he felt the pain that the rest of the seven felt when he 'died'.

"Leo, I'm gonna kill you" I said through clenched teeth.

"I'm glad to see you too, man. How are things with Annabeth?" He smiled.

"Nevermind that! You were dead! What happened?!" I said loudly.

"I did technically die, but with help from Hades (who doesn't like to be called Uncle H, by the way.) I earned my life back. I've been on low profile ever since." He said.

"When did you come back?" I asked.

"About two years ago. I got Calypso off the island and-" he showed me his hand. He had a golden ring on his ring finger." I married her." He smiled.

"That's great, dude. I got married to Annabeth. You probably didn't hear about me much. I had an other identity for a while."

"Oh really? Who?" He narrowed his eyes with a grin.

" I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you."I said and aft a moment of tension, I laughed. " I'm kidding!"

I looked around. People were looking at us weirdly.

"We should get out of here. You can show me where the bread and milk is then we can go get lunch at Burger King. What do you say? For old time's sake?" I asked.

He smiled and nodded. Leo quickly showed me where to find the stuff and then we walked to King Burger and sat down. As I drank my Lime Coke, Leo asked, "What happened when I died. Are Piper and Hazel okay?"

"They were devastated, Leo. Everybody was. You are a hero. And after that, it was all just a big fuzzy blob of sadness. Nico told me that he had a crush on me, Jason travelled between the two camps and finished what I originally started, he came to me this morning, saying that he was going to propose to Piper and asked me to be his best man. Nico and Will got together, Frank and Hazel is back in New Rome right now. I haven't seen them since they left. Annabeth and I studied in New York and then we got marrried. We stayed in New Rome for a year and then came back here. Tony pissed me off and then I left and started working for SHIELD. "

"Oh wow sounds like a lot has happened since I died. Wait, Nico had a crush on you?" Leo cried.

"It's a long story. He told me I wasn't his type. "

"That must have done a number on you, eh?" Leo laughed. " but this is not the only reason I came back. While I was in Elysium, I had one bad dream."

"Wow, imagine that. No nightmares......" I mused.

"That's not the point. I dreamt about something dark. Darker that the darkest nights, darker than anything. It felt like all the light was being sucked out of my just by looking at it. It was almost like staring at that paint called Black 3.0, but darker. It was a woman's voice. And the worst thing is that there was more than one. Nyx was the dark one's name, then came Polybotes and Alcyones. And then there was one that I didn't know about. Calls himself Thanos,' the most powerful being in the universe' if that's true, then I dont know how a couple of demigods are going to win.

"That's bad. Very bad. What are we gonna do?" I asked.

"Were going to need some help this time. And im not talking about the gods- well, them too, but I mean more help than usual."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh come on! Your adoptive family is a group of heroes! Ask them!" Leo cried out.

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