scratch that, percy Johnson is dead

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I arrived at camp Half-Blood two days later, after I told Annabeth about my situation. She told me  that maybe I should go back to my old identity.

"Then what? Explain to Coulson and Tony why I've kept myself hidden for so long with a fake identity and try to cover up for the things I said? No.... that's not going to work. Maybe we should get out of town for a while. Just dissapear." I argued.

"Percy," Annabeth sat down next to me and put a hand on my shoulder," that won't work either. I don't want to leave our home.... but I may have an idea." My ears perked up.

"You can fake Percy Johnson's death. Make it look like an accident and then you act like that organisation- Centipede, kidnapped you and you go tell Tony your story and tell him that you have a wife now and you have a house."

"That does sound like a good plan.... maybe I should act as if I drowned? Something attacked me on Long island and I drowned. Then the actual me comes back alone with bruises and stuff and tell them that Johnson died saving Jackson from Centipede or something. Dye my hair black again and throw out the contact lenses. " I said.

"That sounds great, but you have to know that you are not going anywhere without me." She said.


"You're not getting away from me that easily. I have to make sure you don't really die. Besides, it's been forever since we've seen Chiron and the rest of the gang. I'm dying to see how the camp looks now that they've rebuilt it."

"Fine....pack some clothes. We're going to be gone for no more than a week."

End flashback

Annabeth and I walked through the barrier on Long island and into camp. I had dyed my hair back to black before we left, so nobody would be confused. We headed straight for the Big House and met Chiron there. It was in the middle of Summer so we saw many kids running around. Some looked at us with confused looks. As if asking how they could be married when most demigods didn't survive until the age of 12.

I knocked on the door Chiron opened the door with a smile on his face.

"Percy!" He cried out. He seemed generally excited to see us

"What are you fellow campers doing here? Haven't seen you in, what, four years?"

"We're here to fake my death. We won't be here for long. An week at most."

"How do you you intend to do that? Who do you want to fool?" He asked.

"I got a secret identity a few years ago. Percy Johnson, I was sent here to find Percy Jackson, but I want to fool them into thinking that I was kidnapped and Johnson got killed here."

"Sounds good enough. How are you going to die?"

"I'm gonna drown." I said.

"How ironic. "

"I know right? But it's the easiest death . Am I still the only Poseidon kid around here?."I asked. Chiron nodded. I turned to Annabeth. " So what about we go to the Poseidon cabin and get our story straight."

We walked to the Poseidon cabin and sat on the bed. Together, we decided that we would return after three days. And tell them that Centipede got me three months ago.

Three days later

Wow, three days went by fast. Annabeth and I was sitting in the car by now, heading back home. I had a bruise on my cheek and a broken rib, because I asked Annabeth to beat me up right before we left. Man, she did a good job!

We stopped in front of our house. We went inside and I called Tony with my new number and new phone.

Of course,  Pepper answered.

"This is Pepper Stark how may I help you?" She asked in her typical-assintant voice.

"Pepper?" I asked hoarsely.

"Percy? Is that you? Are you ok? What happened?"

"I can fill you in later, can I talk to Tony please?

"Of course! He will be so happy that you called! After, what, four years?"

"I'm sorry, Pepper, I've had a rough couple of years."

"Percy, there's no need to apologise. I'm just happy that you called. Here's Tony. " she said and gave the phone to Tony.


"Yeah, it's me Tony."

"What happened? Where are you?"

"I'm at my house. Can I come by the tower?"

"Why do you even ask?! You are welcome at any time."

"Thanks, tell Bruce to get his doctoring tools ready. I'll be there in twenty minutes."

"Why, what happened?"

"You'll see. "

I hung up and looked at Annabeth.  She had a small smile on her face. " you have no reason to be sorry, Wise girl. I asked you to do this."

I kissed her and turned around to leave.

"Be careful, Seaweed brain. "

"When am I not careful?"

"I can name a lot of times when you were not careful. "

"Ok, but you know what I mean. I'll be careful."

I kissed her again and left the house.

But as soon as I came outside, I felt something sharp penetrate the back of my neck.

My vision almost immediately became blurry and my knees buckled. I tried to keep myself up with my arms and looked around in confusion. I saw black boots walking toward me.

I looked up.

It was a man.

He had dark brown eyes and black hair. He scowled and knocked me out cold.

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