Why did it have to be an aircraft?

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Percy POV
Two days later

When the other avengers found out about me, they were really mad at Tony. They had arguments with him and all the while,i just sat there,hyperventilating. I was terrified of any flying vehicle. I always preverred cars or boats. Never a plane. After what seemed like hours of listenig to arguments, a guy with short blind hair and sunglasses broke away from the conversation. He knelt down beside me and took off his sunglasses. His eyes were a light shade of blue.

"Hi...I'm Clint. What is your name?" He asked.


" Ok Percy, what are you thinking about?"

" I'm just tired of being underestimated all the time. What you guys aren't considering is, if I didn't know what Tony does or a living, do you think I would haveagreed to stay with him and be adopted by him? I don't even know Pepper that well." I said in an annoyed tone.

"How did you..." he started.

" I'm not stupid. I watch television and I see him on the News." I stated. By now, everybody had stopped talking and looked at me.

" I told you he could handle himself." Mused Tony. Natasha gave him a dirty look. Suddenly the whole hellicarier shook and I gripped my chair and closed my eyes.

"Why did it have to be an aircraft?" I muttered.

A lady ran in with a panicked expression. "We're under attack!"

Those three words caused the entire room to get filled with panic. Clint stood up and grabbed his bow and an arrow, Natasha grabbed her gun, Bruce turned into the Big Guy, Thor appeared out of nowhere, Tony got into his suit and Steve grabbed his shield.

"Percy, stay here! We'll take care of it." Tony instructed.

"But I want to help!" I argued.

"No!" With that, he shut the door behind him.

Anger and anxiousness filled me. I felt slight tug in my stomach and realised that everything in the room that ws filled with water, was shaking. The fishtank, the waterbottle on the counter, it all shook and the next thing I knew, water was floating in the air. I stretched my hand out and focussed and it started to move. It swirled around. Outside the room I heard faint shouts of "the engines are failing!" And ""Stark! Help me get these engies working!" And " if we lose another engine, we're goners!"

I had to something. I felt a big tug in my stomach and I doubled over in pain. I shuffled over to the window and looked out. I saw hundreds of galeons of water holding the ship in the air. This was draining me. I wouldn't be able to continue this for long. I cried out. This really really hurt. Like lava surging through my veins. I felt the hellicarrier gain power and I let go of the water. I suddenly felt weakened and tired. Finally, I fell over and as darkness overtook me, I heard the door openining and Tony yelled my name and ran to my side.

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