who the hell is Loki?!

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Hey guys! So it's been quite a while and I'm sooo sorry about it! I had a huge writers block. To make up for it, I updated twoce today. This is the second one today so I hope you guys enjoy! Comment, vote and, if you want to, follow. NEVER STOP BEING AWESOME!!

Steve POV

Here I was, thinking that we had a normal day for once, but boy was I wrong. I heard a voice scream for Tony and I instantly recocnised it as Percy. I ran down the steps and found a badly wounded kid, laying on his back. There was a stabwound in his abdomen and it was bleeding badly.

I rushed to him and applied pressure to the wound while telling him to stay awake.

"I need help down here by the pool. We have an injured Percy Jackson down here with a stabwound in the chest. I request immediate assistance!" I yelled into the walkie talkie that I always had on my belt.

"Percy, stay with me, buddy! Don't close those eyes! Stay with me!" I yelled. He closed his eyes. Damnit!

I checked his pulse. His heart was still beating and he was still breathing lightly. Within a few minutes Tony, Natasha and Bruce were by my side. We carried Percy up to the infirmary and layed him down on the bed where Bruce started fixing him up. Tony and I stayed there the entire time and while ne was out, he muttered something in his sleep.


My eyes widened and I could see everybody else with the panicking looks on their faces. Loki? Wasn't he in the Asgardian prison? Unless he escaped, which is really unlikely, he couldn't be back.

"I'm going to check up on something with Thor. I heard he's back from Asgard." Tony said and walked swiftly out of the room.

"yeah, earlier Fury said aomething about a file, so I gotta go too" Natasha said and she also speedwalked out of the room.

""Looks like Percy is stable. I'm going to go make some coffee. Steve, care to join me?" Bruce asked. I nodded and walked out of the room with him, leaving Percy behind in the infirmary. We had all rushed out in a matter of seconds to run a few errands, butbi knew as well and anyone else that we were going to yell at Thor and Nick.

Percy POV

Waking up in the same room twice a day, without the faintest idea of how you got there, is pretty alarming at first, but when you recocnise the room and relax a bit until the memories of why you were there in the first place, comes back to you. Those big scary green eyes and sharp staff was pretty alarming. I could still feel the sharp end piercing though my skin.

The beeping was there again. The heartmonitor. I disconnected it from my finger and looked around the room. Nobody was there. Not even Tony.

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and landed on wmy feet with a thud.

It took a moment to regain my balance for the second time that day and I started walking to the door. I heard voices. Was I hearing things or were the avengers yelling at each other? I opened the door and made my way to where the yelling session was taking place.

When everybody saw me, the were quiet for a moment and then they started yelling at each other again.

"Stop." I hoarsely said. Nobody heard me.

"Stop!" I said a little louder. Still, nobody paid attention to me.

Finally, I yelled,"Shut the hell up!! Can't we resolve whatever this is without conflict?!" Now everybody finally shut up and looked at me. I thought I was the kid around here!

"What is going on?"I asked in a calmer tone.

"I just came back from Asgard ten minutes ago and they started yelling at me because Loki is back" Thor explained.

"Ten minutes ago?! You came back at ten o'clock this morning! And it took you this long to tell us that Loki has escaped?!" Tony yelled.

"Jane wanted to speak to me. I didn't know that Loki has escaped. How did you find out?" Thor said.

"He stabbed junior over there. But that is beside the point. How are we going to catch him?"Steve interupted.

"He might be stronger than before. It won't be as easy as last time. "Thor said.

"Last time? What do you mean 'last time'?" I asked. They payed no attention whatsoever.

"Yes, he has probably learned that he needs more than aliens to bring us down."

"Aliens? When?" I asked again. Nobody heard me.

"What do you think he will di this time?" Tony asked.

"Who the hell is Loki?!" I raised my voice. Now everybody looked at me.

"I haven't got the faintest idea what you are talking about! Who the hell is Loki?"

"He's a god who has done many terrible things. He tried to take over the world by releasing aliens. We stopped him, of course, and put him into the prison on Asgard. Very few have escaped from that prison. He is ruthless and dangerous. He would stop at nothing to get what he wants, when he wants." Answered Thor.

"But why would he attack me?" I interjected.

"Well, that depends on what he said to you."everybody looked at me expactantly. As if I would just start babbling.

"He said something about Tony not having a heart and that I was the next best thing. I think he might want to get the Avengers under his control. Why else would he want Tony's heart or anyone's heart, for that matter?" I told them.

Just then, Nick Fury came in. "Don't tell me this has something to do with Loki"

"Ok we won't. It has to do with a green kitten. An adorable, heart-taking, mischief causing unicorn with a sceptre that has a sharp top and a blue glowing stone in the middle of it." I smirked. Nick Fury narrowed his eyes at me and Tony came and patted me on the back. Like he was proud of me and he said,

"He gets that from me."

Hey guys! So there we go. Two chapters on one day. I hope you enjoyed it! Good news, I only have one exam left so after Thursday you can expect some serious updates unless I get a writers block. Then I will probably ask for help. Anyway! So what did you guys think? I would really appreciate some feedback on my chapters. I want to know what you guys think and I want some ideas. You guys are much more creative than me so I need your help with some creative writing. Anyway, comment, vote, share and if you want to, follow.

Gh0stwr1t3r out!

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