Steve, meet Percy

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Percy POV
Six years
(percy is fifteen)

By now, I had settled in. Every three days, I would get a nightmare where I woke up screaming and Tony would rush in and sit by my side until I calmed down.

Tonight, however, was different. Horrid nightmares flooded my vision everytime I closed my eyes. I couldn't get a minute of sleep. "JARVIS? Is there a swiming poolin the building?" Ok, so I didn't know every room...

"Yes, on the twenty-fith floor. "

I sat up and went downstairs to the swimming pool. I jumped in and stayed there. I don'tknow why, but water always calmed me down. I inhaled under the water and exhaled. Then, I sunk to the bottom and stayed there. My eyes stayed open and I stared at the moon through the huge window. Mom always loved the moon. She said that it reminded her of ice cream. White ice cream with sprinkles. But I learned in school that it was actually a huge piece of rock that reflected off the sun. It had huge craters that meteorites created by bumping into the moon. I still thought that mom was right. It was a huge ball of ice cream with brown sprinkles. If it was up to her to create the moon, i know that she would hav made it blue ice cream with blue sprinkles.

The moon began to dissapear and the sun began to rise. I rised to the surface and looked at my watch. 7:30. Tony could wake up any second. I sank back to the bottom. I didn't want to get out just yet.

Tony POV

What a wonderful day. The sun was shining, the day wasn't too hot and I could have another day spent wih percy. I got up and dressed. " JARVIS, please wake Percy or me."

"Sir, percy did not sleep last night. He was in the pool."

"All night?"

" yes, sir, all night"

My eyes widened. All night?! Rushed towards the elevator and ran to te pool. I saw Percy at the bottom. His legs were crossed and his hands were behind his head in a gesture of relaxation. I quickly took off my shirt and was about to jump in, whenheopened his one eye and grinned.

He came back to the surface and, to my astonishment, his hair was still dry. "How long have you been down there?" I asked.

"What time is it?" He asked.

"Eight thirty"

"Ok, seven and a half hours" dumbstruck was the only word that could describe what my face looked like.

"H-how?" I asked, still shocked.

"What do you mean?" He tilted his head.

"How did you stay underwater for seven and a half hours if you can't even stay in a car for ten minutes?"

"How do you stay in the car for ten minutes if you can't stay underwater for seven and a half hours?" He grinned and I grinned back at him.

Deciding to change the subject, I turned arounnd and said," come on, it's time for breakfast." He grinned and jumped out of the water. He dried himself off,even though he was still dry.

"Sir, Steve Rodgers has arrived. He wants to speak to you urgently."

"Great! I should probably go then. Percy, why don't you go make us some blue eggs and bacon?" I said. I really didn't want the team to find out about Percy. His life could end up in danger. Besides, it would hurt my ego if theyfound out that I adopted a kid. I walked into the elevator and pressed the button that went to the living room.

"Tony! You're late." Said Steve.

" Yeah, yeah, I was busy. What happened?" I rolled my eyes.

"Fury has called us in for a meeting. Get your suit. Meet me on the hellicarrier in twenty minutes." Just when he was about to turn around and walk away, Percy came downstairs with two plates full of blue eggs an bacon. Steve looked around and stared at the kid. His eyes furrowed.

" Are those blue eggs?" He asked. I mentally facepalmed. There was a kid in the room, whom he didn't know, and THAT is what he is worried about?! Blue eggs?

Percy looked confused for a moment too, before he put the plates down and walked towards Steve with a hand stretched out.

" You must be Steve Rodgers. I'm Percy Jackson. It's nice to meet you." Steve shook Percy's hand and nodded.

" you have a firm grip." Said Steve. Ok? That was a weid thing to say, coming from Steve Rodgers aka Captain America.

Percy turned to me. " I'll be in the pool." Then he turned around and left.

Steve turned to me with a frown on his face.

" You never told me that you and Pepper had a kid."

"Take it easy on me, old man, I adopted him like, six years ago. His mom was one of Pepper's friends and she died in a plane crash. Pepper gave me the idea. I just agreed on it." I lifted my hands innocently.

" How did you keep him hidden feom us all this time-nevermind, I don't want to know. Tony, this is dangerous! You, adopting him, could mean his deathbed!"

"Percy is a special kid! He can take care of himself!"

"Then why did you adopt him? Why did you have to put his life in danger? "

"Because I wanted him to have 'a family! He had no family left after his mother died! He would have been one of those street kids if i didnt happen to be in the neighborhood! You would have done the same, wouldn't you?! You care about people. That is why you let my father test that superserum in the first place!"

"But i didn't adopt a kid! I didn't risk someone else's life because i felt sorry for him! Just because my girlfriend asked me to!"

" It was my choice!" I yelled. " I wanted to give a damn about this kid! I wanted to adopt him! It wasn't Pepper who wanted me to adopt him! I did it with my own free will!" A silence followed. Then Steve spoke again. Softly.

"Fine, but if he dies, it's on you..." with that, he turned around and left. Percy was strong. He wouldn't die because I was a superhero. I just knew that he wouldn't.

"JARVIS, could you call Percy for me? Tell him to pack his things, we're going on a trip."

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