a game of capture the flag against giants and monters and without a flag

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Monsters cant come into the camp unless they're summoned, but gods, titans and Giants don't need permission to enter. That's what scared me.

The anti-Poseidon Giant could just step in and destroy me. Polybotes hated me. He wanted to kill me. Dad and I had sent him back to Tartarus a few years ago, but it shouldn't have been possible for him to return now, would it?

No. Not really, unless Thanatos owed him a favor, which is possible.

"Oh no. Nope nope nope nope!" I hyperventilated. I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach which probably meant I was terrified.

The last time I faced Polybotes, I had my father with me. Last time I didn't have my father with me and I ended up facing him, I got poisoned and I was sick for days afterward.

"Percy calm down." Annabeth said.

"Nope. Nope nope nope nope. It was definitely a mistake to come here and now we need help." I said.

"He's probably right, you know." Nico said. "We don't have the gods by our side right now. We're doomed."

Annabeth swatted his arm. "Not helping!"

Nico scoffed. "Sorry..." he muttered.

"Maybe we should call Tony?" Annabeth asked.

"I dunno, Wise girl. He's mortal. We can maybe call Thor, but that's about it."

"They can still help if we give them the right tools. Besides, didn't Tony invent some kind of weapon a few years ago which would easily defeat monsters?"she asked.

"Yeah he did. Should I call?" I asked.

They all nodded.

While they continued to talk about a plan, I Iris messaged Tony and caught him in the kitchen, stealing cookies from a jar while he was in his pajamas.

"Tony, what are you doing?" I asked astonished.

He immediately froze up with a cookie in his mouth and his hand stuck in the jar. He looked at me in pure terror and said with a mouth full of cookie, "nuffing".

"You're stealing my cookies, aren't you?" I asked.

His eyes widened and he quickly spit out the cookie and hid his hand which was stuck in the jar behind his back.
"Whaaat? No."

I narrowed my eyes and said, "We'll talk about this later, but right now, I need your help."

"Sure what do you need?" He asked, putting on a charming, but fake, smile on his face.

"Suit up and assemble the Avengers. We are under attack. And for gods sake, get your hand out of my cookie jar. That's for emergencies only."

"Hey! It was an emergency! I was hungry. And I didn't want to cook." I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, just get here as fast as you can." I swiped my hands through the iris message and ended it. Then I joined the group again.

"Percy, is Tony coming?"Frank asked.

"Yeah." I grumbled. "And he's bringing the entire team."

"Cool" Leo said.

"I told you I'd get a meeting between you and him." I smirked, momentarily forgetting the Anti-Poseidon giant just a few miles away from camp.

"This isn't exactly what I had in mind, but close enough." He said.

And we continued to plan. Chiron had joined us only minutes later and so did a bunch of Ares kids.

"What is our strategy?" Clarise asked.

"Well, what about we act like it is a game of capture the flag. Except we are against monsters and giants and there is no flag" one of the Ares kids said.

"That could actually work" Annabeth said through the snickering of the other Ares kids.

" Are you serious?" I asked. "This won't be anything like capture the flag! In capture the flag, nobody actually dies."

" Exactly. We don't plan on losing anybody. We plan on sending monsters back to Tartarus."

Unnoticed Time skip to a few hours later

"The avengers are here. Tony just called." I told Chiron.

" good, you can let them in. Do they have any experience in fighting monsters and giants?" He asked.

" Yeah. I lived with Tony for almost half of my life. " chiron made a face that probably meant "Oh."

"Go now, let the group in. We don't want to put their lives in any more danger than it has to be." He motioned for me to go.

I walked to the border and greeted the Avengers.

" Hey guys. Thanks for coming. "

" Anytime, Blue. So do you have a plan yet?" Steve asked.

"First, don't call me blue. Second, yeah kinda." I said with an amused expression.

Steve smiled. " Ok Blue. So where is the enemy?"

I pointed to the other side of the hill. " They are camping over there. We suspect that they will attack at dawn. So we are training as hard as we can and the blacksmiths are making swords and other weapons. Come on. You should probably go see Chiron. He probably wants to speak to you."

Tony snapped his fingers. " Right! We should probably go meet the camp director. Where do we go?" I made a Face.

"Mr D isn't here. He had to go make preparations for the winter solstice. Being a wine god isn't always easy. Chiron is standing in for him for now."

"What? You mean Dionysis? He isn't here?" Thor spoke up.

I shook my head.

"Pity. I was hoping to meet him." He said.

"Yeah, but Chiron can handle things like this. He's been around for more than a thousand years." I reasoned.

"Good, let's go meet this Chiron character." Tony said and clasped his hands together.

I walked them to the Big house and was about to join them when I remembered that I had a duel with Annabeth to demonstrate to the newcomers.

"You guys go ahead. Chiron is waiting in the dining room. I have to go demonstrate a duel with Annabeth." I waved them off.

As I began walking away, I heard Nat telling them "She's going to kick his butt."

And I couldn't help but smile.

Hey guys, Gh0stwr1t3r here!
I bet you guys thought that I had abandoned this story. And I'm soooo sorry for that. I haven't updated in forever. I am very busy these days. I am writing another book, but not on wattpad. And exams begin on monday. Plus I have this whole choir thing saturday. But don't be decieved if I do not update soon. I promised that I would not discontinue this book and it is a promise I hope to keep. So don't give up hope. Hqve faith In me as I have faith in my fellow writers. Love you guys. And this chapter is dedicated to @Bluefood101. Ok that's it for now. Keep voting and commenting and NEVER STOP BEING AWESOME!

Gh0stwr1t3r out!

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