what am I?

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A/N I dedicate this chapter to fancyusername. Thank you so much for the votes and comments. NEVER STOP BEING AWESOME!

Gh0stwr1t3r out!

I woke up in an unknown room. IVs were connected to me and the faint beeping of the heartmonitor rang in my ears. Where was I? Itried to sit up, but a hand pushed me back down. I looked to see who it was and saw a very concerned Bruce and a worried Tony who was chewing his nails.

"What happened?" I croaked.

Tony stood up and came to my side faster than you could say 'ironman'.

"What happened was that you almost gave me a heartattack!" Cried Tony.

"Tony calm down." Said Bruce and looked at his clipboard. " You blacked out during the attack. I did some blood tests and what I found, was somthing I have never seen before. You are only part human. The other part of you is something....something very powerful. Almost godly. That shoul explain how you did whatever you did back there."

"What did I do?"

"The water of the ocean lifted up and held the hellicarrier in the air. Did you feel any weird sensation while that was happening?"

"Just a tug in my stomach.... You don't think that...."I stopped talking.

"That might be what caused the water to lift. Percy, I think that you can manipulate water." Said Bruce.

I stared at him in awe.

"Well, one thing is for sure, you're not going to be using this so-called water manipulating powers any time soon." Tony spoke up.

"Why not?" Bruce and I asked simultaniously.

" I don't want you to use your powers. If Nick Fury finds out about it, he will surely want you to in the team. That could lead to unnecessary risks being taken. We don't know what you can do and if we let you join while you are unstable, disasterous things could occur. I don't want to lose you." Said Tony. He looked away with that final sentence.

"Tony, three hours ago you were arguing with the rest of the team, telling them that I could handle myself and that I am strong. Why won't you let me prove it to them?" I begged.

" You already proved yourself. It caused you to black out. What will happen when you push yourself too far? What will happen if you just don't wake up next time. I would never forgive myself." He said.

" I just found out that I have these powers. I had to do something, or else none of us would be here right now. I forced myself to push myself. I'm not strong yet. One day, I will be able to do that and much more. I just need to train-"

"Until that day comes, you will not use them." Tony said strictly said. Outraged was an understatement of what I felt right now. I knew that I wasn't the only one who thought this was highly unfair. Bruce also had an outraged look on his face, which confirmed my suspicion. I sighed deeply and climbed off te bed. I lifted my hand and shooed Bruce and Tony when my legs wobbled and I almost fell flatfaced and grabbed the bed and they tried to help me stand. I stood up again, legs still wobbly and walked out of the room without help.

I went to the room where I was before I blacked out and sat on the chair. I thought deeply about what Tony said. Of course, I loved him and all that, but sometimes he was just a bit overprotective... Ok, very overprotective. I finally found something that I was actually good at, and he refused to let me do it. I sighed again for what felt like the hundredth time. This sucked.

Finally, I decided to get myself calmed down. My anger was getting the best of me and I hated it. I inhaled and exhaled slowly. What I did next, surprised me. I went over to Steve, who showed me where the pooĺ was

I nodded to him with thanks and when I was sure that he was gone, I formed a bubble of water around me and went into the deep waters below me. I took out my iPod and earphones that Tony had gotten me for my thirteenth birthday and put it on.

Adam Bryan's music started playing and closed my eyes. Adam Bryan was my mom's favourite artist. I thought about her and her chocolate brown eyes, rosy lips and her healer's hand that was gentle and mede the best blue candy a kid could get.whn she would talk about my father and how great he was.

Would he have abandoned his wife and newborn son, if he was so great? I think not. I never even met him, but he was constantly in my life. When I was in the pool, when I was eating, sleeping, going for a walk, accidentally blowing up schools, he was following me, no haunting me.
I felt anger, even though I didn't know who I was angry at. Dad? Tony? Mom....? No one in particular. Just angry at everything and everyone.

I felt that tug in my stomach again, but this time it wasn't that strong. I came to the surface. This tug wasn't the same kind of tug that I felt a few hours ago. It was almost as if the water was disturbed. Or maybe trying to warn me of something.

Wind whipped at my face. Wait, wind? In the middle of the hellicarrier? That was really strange. I climbed out of the pool. More wind came this time. It felt like there was a giant hole in the hellicarrier and nobody bothered to fix it. As if I was in a roofless car and we were riding very fast.

I turned around to where ever the wind was coming from and fou d myself face to face with a man in a green overcoat and a glowing staff with a sharp top.

He didn't seem to limp, so why would he need a walking stick? And why was the top so sharp? Did he not know that if he tripped and fel on it that- I stopped myself from going off topic. Stupid ADHD.

"Well well well, what do we have here? A new avenger?" He asked. His voice was filled with mischief. Almost an english accent. Something felt off though. His aura was powerful. Almost...godly?

"Ha! I wish! I just have to stick around here because we couldn't get a babysitter in time. Plus, Tony wanted me to meet the team." I explained.

"Ah, I see. So you are The Ironman's son?" He asked with a evil smile.

"Yeah, you could say that. He adopted me when I was nine."

"Oh, well, since I can't have his heart, maybe I'll take the next best thing." He came towards me and before I could react, he stabbed me with the walking stick in the chest.

"Who are you?" I asked in disbelief.

"I am Loki of Asgard. God of mischief. And you, my boy, are dead." He pulled out the stick and vanished. I fell to my knees and then on my back. I couldn't feel anything but agony. After ten seconds, I gathered enough breath to scream.

"TONY!!!" I yelled, even though I knew that he wouldn't be able to hear me. Black spots danced in my vision and I heard footsteps running down the stairs. I saw Steve. He ran towards me and picked me up. I pulled out a walkie talkie and yelled something into it. I couldn't hear him. He applied pressure to my wound and told me something. Probably to stay awake, but I couldn't. My eyes drooped and I was, once again, swallowed by blackness. I just had one thought right then:

Tony is going to kill me.

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