you're Jinxing it! don't Jinx it!

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Hey guys! Gh0stwr1t3r here.
Sorry that I kept you waiting. I have kept you waiting. I have a huge writers block and I was working on the Robin book.
Speaking of the Robin book, the first chapter is published if you want to check it out. I'm working on the second one as we speak and I think it will be one of my largest books or one of my smallest. The pirate Percy Jackson book is still being edited so that you guys can have the best quality chapters. You can expect slow updates for the next few weeks. School started again and It is just one pile of homework after the other. But again, I promise that I will finish this book no matter what. And the others too. I will update as soon as I can, but right now, I'm very busy.

Oh and by the way, thanks for all the votes and comments. You guys are awesome.
Keep voting and commenting and NEVER STOP BEING AWESOME!!!
Gh0stwr1t3r out !

It wasn't easy to calm Annabeth down, but I managed it . She was still pretty shaken up about it when I told her that Natasha just did it because she knew how hard headed and stubborn I could be.

Annabeth was pissed off at Nat and I had to hold her to the couch, or else my wise girl would call Nat and do something that was not-so-wise.

After two hours of hyperventilating, she took a deep breath and said, "Percy, I thing I want to go back to New Rome or Camp Half-Blood for a while. Maybe a year. We can leave the house here, not sell it, just go to New Rome for a year long vacation. Frank said that when we came, we could stay as long as we like. "

"I dunno, Wise girl. I think it's a good idea, but we can't do that now. You know about the new threat and we need to focus and prepare for that before we can relax. Besides, I need a new job and I can't get a normal job in camp Jupiter."

"I know, but maybe we should go back and just spend a little time with the people who are like us. We tend to jump into things without thinking and that can get us killed. "

I didn't know my wise girl like this. She was usually the one to jump into adventures and danger, (or was that me?) She was smart, talented and ( except for spiders) fearless. She wasn't one to back away from a challenge and neither was I. We were demigods after all. Only then, I realised how right she was. It was in our blood to jump into things that we don't plan on jumping into. And it was things like that that got demigods killed.

"I mean, I hope we don't run into monsters, but I-" I interupted

"Annabeth, I know that you really want to see everyone else, but was there ever a time that we come to camp that we were not attacked by monsters on the way there? " She looked down and shook her head.

"Jason is getting married, Frank is in town, Leo is...." I cut myself off and didn't finish my sentence.

"Wait, what did you want to say about Leo?" Annabeth eyed me suspiciously. Shit.

"Uhm.... Nothing. Just my dumb tongue naming the other guys who were with us when we were on the Argo II." I said. It was obvious that I was lying. I hated lying to Annabeth. My voice always failed me when I did.

"Percy, You are a terrible liar. What were you going to say about Leo?!" She put her hands on her hips and gave me a disapproving look.

"Fine. I promised him I wouldn't tell anybody. He's alive. He's in New York. He married Calypso as soon as he got her away from there and now they live here. How I haven't noticed them, I don't know. "

She scowled. "Why would you keep something like that from me?"

"I wanted to surprise you. I would have let him and Calypso come for breakfast yesterday, but I had to rearange it. It's been crazy, you know?"

"Yeah I know. When will we see him?"

"I dunno. He might not come back alive from Camp, but probably after we deal with those three giants and that Kree fanatic. So I might sugest we get the others rounded up and trained or else we might not come out of this one alive. Maybe."

"You are Jinxing it. Don't jinx it." She said.

"Im not trying to jinx it. I'm talking about reality. It's going to be crazy. As always. "

"You know we are going to need more than just demigods right?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm talking about Tony and the rest of the avengers. We need them. Nobody here knows how to defeat a kree fanatic. But if we get mortals to fight with us, we might get lucky."

I thought about that. I didn't really want to put Tony's life in danger...but saving the world was what he did for a living, wasn't it?

"You're right." I said after a moment of thought.

"Of course I am. I'm a daughter of Athena." She laughed.

Alright that is where I am going to stop the chapter. I have decided that I'm just going to get on with it instead of putting a bunch of unnecessary chapters and boring you. Though I'm not going to go so fast that you can't keep up. Thanks for all the comments and votes.
Keep on voting and commenting.

Love you all! Never stop being awesome!

Gh0stwr1t3r out!

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