fighting with family &sounding like Bruce Banner

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The next morning, Annabeth sent me to the Stark tower to work things out with Tony. Of course, we ended up yelling at each other.

It started like this:

I took a cab to the tower and told Pepper(once again) that I was there to speak to Tony.

I went up the stairs and found Tony in his work space as usual.

"Hello Tony. " I said, surprising him.

"Hey Percy. Glad to see that you are back. What can I do for you?"

"Look, I didn't come here for a pep talk. I need the avengers' help."

"Oh, of course you do! After all, I can't expect you to do something dangerous all on your own. You are just a kid." He sassed. 

"What is your problem, Tony?" I demanded.

"Oh, now you want to know what my problem is?" he said. "My problem is that I have tried to make amends, several times, and you have thrown it in my face on every occasion. Now, you come here, demanding the help of the Avengers. I'm sorry if I am not in the mood to do anything for you, Percy."

"Look, I tried to make peace with you too, and it didn't work out. I didn't come here to ask you for a personal favour, thinking that I had enough brownie points to help me score a win, or whatever. I know that our relationship isn't great, but I want to put it aside until this crisis is sorted out."

"Percy, I don't think you get it. I don't want to help you. I don't want to make an effort and have it thrown in my face again."

"So, what," I said. "You'd just let millions of people die, because you are angry with me? That's selfish, Tony."

"I'm not the one who left!" Tony snapped, jumping up from his chair and pointed his finger at me. "We needed you and you walked away! You walked away!"

"I left because you were holding me back in my life! You waited five years before contacting SHIELD! You didn't call even once! I came back to you! You didn't look for me, you didn't care!" I yelled.

"I did care!" He yelled back. "I didn't sleep for weeks, because I was worried about you! You're my son! But when I tried to reach out, my had was slapped away. I didn't call, because you didn't want anything to do with me"

"Of course I didn't want anything to do with you! I was angry, because you did things behind my back and you didn't trust me! How was I supposed to feel, Tony?"

"I said I was sorry!"

"Sorry didn't cut it!"

"Then what am I supposed to do? Beg you for forgiveness? We're supposed to be family. We're supposed to stand by each other, unconditionally. Somewhere along the line, you forgot that, and I guess I did too, because now we're standing against each other, and neither of us are trying to fix anything."

"How can we possibly fix this now? We've never been able to fix our situation before."

"Because both of us were too stubborn to stop being angry at each other."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm still mad, but I think there could be a chance to reform this - whatever this is, if we talk it out."

"Then can we start over?"

"Tony , it's too late to start over. I moved out. I have a life, but we can work together. As co-workers. "

Tony nodded. Then he stood up and walked away, only to come back minutes later with two blue cookies in his hand.

"This is a peace offering. After eating this, we fight no more." he declared

"Fine by me, as long as you trust me to make my own choices and when I tell you something that you believe me"

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