wow. just wow.

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As soon as I closed the door, Annabeth demanded why I didn't tell Jason about my mom.

"I didn't want to. The guy has a lot on his mind anyway, so it wasn't the right time for it. Besides, I don't really want people to know. It's still a touchy subject." I said sadly.

"I understand that, but still, he's your best friend. You should tell him."

"I'll tell him when I feel that the time is right."I said.

"Fine. I'm going to go back to planning buildings. You can go buy some bread and milk and while you're at it, you should go tell SHIELD that you are back and that the other guy was killed. Then you should go make things right with Tony. " she said.

I sighed.

I was alright with the part about bread and milk and going to SHIELD, but Tony was in the past. He raised me and then he made me angry so I left. That's it. I wasn't planning on doing anything for Tony. I mean, sure, my fatal flaw is loyalty, but that only counts for friends and family. Tony wasn't my friend and he wasn't my family, but he wasn't my enemy either. I just didn't want to see Tony.

"Wise girl, I'm fine with the part about SHIELD and buying bread and milk, but Tony and I are done. I tried to make things right this morning, it ended up with twenty guns pointing to Jason and then Jason almost killed Jarvis. I'm not going back to Tony. Pepper, I can deal with. Tony, well, for as long as he doesn't trust me, I can't do anything. "

"Well, can you at least try again? One more time?" She asked.

"I can try again, but not today. I'm still upset that Jason was caught by gunpoint. If something like this happens again, there's no more trying. Then I wont give him another chance." I said, shaking my head.

" you should try to get a job at SHIELD again. You'll do good. But for now, get rid of those contact lenses."

"I agree. Alright, see you later. I have some stuff to do." I said and walked out the door.


"Bread and milk....bread and milk...." I said, looking at the shelves in Target and tapping my chin. I sighed. Two basic things, and I didn't have the foggest idea where to look. Annabeth usually did the shopping. I almost never got out of my office to even get some bread and milk. I didn't want to ask where I could find bread and milk, because I am a twenty three year old, married man and I never got the chance to go out and buy bread and milk. And the reason I didn't go when I was younger, is because Tony had somebody to do that for us. Therefore, I am a grownup without the faintest idea where to find bread and milk.

I sighed again. A guy looked at me and asked whether I needed help.

"I don't know where to find the bread and the milk. I've never been to Target before." I said shyly.

"How come?" The man asked.

"Usually, it is my wife doing the shopping. I am quite busy at work these days." I said.

"Oh, well, the bread is at the other side of the shop and the milk is by the fridges." He laughed.

"Thanks." And with that, I walked away and towards the other side of the shop.


Lots of it.

I turned around and almost bumped into another man. "Hey man, sorry about that." I said. He looked familliar. His hair was long and he was scrawny. Where have I seen those brown eyes before?

The guy looked genuinely scared.

"Hey, I'm not a cop. What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost." I said. Then it hit me. My eyes widened and my mouth fell open. My knees went slack and I had to hold onto a shelf in order not to faceplant on him.

"Leo?" I asked.

The guy smirked. " hey aquaman."

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