fool me once, shame on you

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Things can get really complicated when you come back to life after you die in battle.

Ok, basically, camp Half-Blood was winning. They were kicking Thanos' butt, but it wasn't quite enough.

This guy just refused to die, no matter how hard you hit.

Thor was nowhere to be seen, Tony was blasting sonic blasts at Thanos, the demigods were attacking group by group, and I was stuck in the infirmary with a nagging Will Solace trying to feed me ambrosia and nectar even though I kept on telling him that I was fine. The kid wouldn't leave me alone.

"You were dead for five minutes, Percy. And then you came back to life. That shouldn't be possible. You should be dead. All your bones were broken and your nerves were scattered. You shouldn't even be able to breathe."

"What am I doing now? Breathing. I my lungs are taking in oxygen and letting out carbon dioxide. I am fine, Will. " I insisted and tried to climb out of bed, but Will pushed me back down.

"Nah-ah. I am not letting you out of bed and back into battle for the second time in a week."

"You shouldn't even have been fine after that arrow hit you in the shoulder. How am I supposed to think that you are fine after you died?" He said.

"Check my blood results. You will see that I am ready to go kick some Thanos butt." I punched my fist into my hand and grinned like a maniac.

"Your results seem fine, still a son of poseidon. I'm warning you now, Percy, if I see you in this infirmary again before next week, you will not be getting out of bed for the next year!" He warned and I gulped. Wasn't he the one who told me to come to the infirmary in the fisrt place?

I finally thanked Will and joined the Avengers and the rest of the seven around the table in the Big house.

"What the hell happened to you?" Tony asked. " I saw Thanos send you flying. And I thought you were dead"

"Well, I did technically die, but that's not the point-"

" ah! Totally called it!" He said with a sassy expression, and his index finger sticking up in a childish way.

"Well you didn't call it that I would still be alive, did you?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Well no, but-"

" Uhm... what was that?" I didn't quite hear you." I joked.

" I said no-"

"No? Well, you didn't quite call it then, did you?"

"N-no." Tony looked embarassed.

" Exactly."

"stop arguing, you two! We have a crisis here" annabeth intervened.

We both shut up and looked at her with guilt in our eyes.

"Thor is gone and we have no way of defeatin Thanos. What do we do?" She asked.

"We just keep doing what we were doing until Thor comes back. He told me he was going to get something from Asgard." Tony said.

"We can't d that if it isn't something we can use. What do we do then?" She asked again.

"I can try to drown him?" I suggested.

"Thanos is an alien being. I don't think he breathes air." Tony said.

"Well, water can't be good for him when it comes into his lungs, can it?" I said and shrugged.

"We don't know that-" Tony was interupted again by Annabeth, much to his dismay.

"Percy is right. If whatever Thor brings us doesn't help, Percy can drown Thanos, even if he doesn't breathe air. For once, you aren't as much a seaweed brain as you usually are." She laughed.

" You are only saying that because you two are married." Tony crossed his arms.

"She's never said that before." I said.

"Ha ha! Fool me once, shame on you" he laughed.

Just as we were about to go back to planning, we heard a Bam! And we all looked at each other before rushing out...

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