breakfast of champions & training

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Hey guys! Guess who finally updated! School has been a total pain in the butt and I've had a writers block. But I bet that if I finish this chapter, things will go better. So here's the next chapter. It's not as good as the others, but I think it will just have to do.

Gh0stwr1t3r out!

The next morning I woke up early and called the seven plus the avengers. We were going to have breakfast at Starbucks to make a plan of action for the new threat.

"So where?" Jason asksd through the newly designed monster-proof phone.

"There's a Starbucks near camp Half-Blood. We will get breakfast there and then we train. Relax. It's litterally just outside the woods where the city comes to view. If you need more help to get there, Annabeth and I will be happy to give you and Piper a ride. Just tell me where you are."

"Don't worry about it, bro. We'll get there. See you in an hour." Jason hung up. Annabeth was in the kitchen getting snacks from the fridge for training.

"Wise girl, are you ready?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's go. Do you have your sword?"

"Yeah, Riptide is in my pocket as always. Do you have your dagger?"

"Yeah." We both climbed into the carand she drived.

After about an thirty minutes, I took over. I was bored. Annabeth looked at the fields on the side of the road and commented on every piece of architecture she could see. I had a bottle of water in the car and I kept myself busy with that. I let the water swirl out of the glass, creating a levitating water bubble, then get sucked back into the bottle. I did that 

There was something rumbling behind us, but we chose to ignore it. I drove on.

See, that was our first mistake.

The second one was when we chose to stop at the gas station. I climbed out for self service and right when I was about to go pay, I something in my head told me to turn around. I did and right behind the car, stood the Minotaur. It seemed bigger this time, like he'd grown a few feet.

Did this guy even grow? I mean, why does the stupid minotaur just keep coming back? I killed it about a hundred times and stil, he comes back. Maybe he's emotionally attached to me? Like He doesn't want anyone else to kill him except for me. I groaned.

"Seriously beef-sack. I'm getting tired of this. You should really pick a new demigod to fight. I've got places to be and things to do."

Mr Beefsack grunted and charged. I sighed, uncapping Riptide and jumping aside just as I was about to be impaled by one of his horns. He missed and I jumped onto his back, slicing a horn off with my sword and impaling it into his beefy back.

He erupted into golden dust and I fell face flat on the floor before quickly standing up in order to not damage my ego more than I already have.

I quickly gilled the tank with gas and sped off in order to reach our destination as quickly as possible. I was surprised to see that Annabeth had been asleep while I was battling the minotaur.

I smiled and kissed her on the cheek and her eyes fluttered open.

"Huh? What did I miss?" She asked.

"Not much. We should get going. The gang is probbly waiting for us already." I said.

"Ok. Why don't we call blackjack?"

"Hmm. I didn't think of that. "

I climbed out and whistled loudly. Minutes later, a black figure appeared in the distance. It was speeding our way and soon a black horse with beautiful wings landed next to the car.

"Blackjack" I breathed out. For a moment there, I thought it was a venti.

"How's it goin' boss?" He whinnied.

"It's ok. Can you maybe give me and Annabeth a ride?"

"Annythin' for you boss" he said. "As long as I get some doughnuts when we get there"

I tried to help Annabeth up, but she swatted my hand away and climbed on the back of blackjack by herself. I got up after her.

We soon sped away and landed where the others were waiting for us.

"Percy! Annabeth! It's great to see you!" Hazel shouted while she ran toward us. She ran right past me as I held held out my arms to hug her and hugged Blackjack's neck instead. My jaw almost dropped to the floor.

I could've sworn Blackjack smirked. "Jealous, Boss?"He huffed.

"Jealous? Me? Pfft No." I rolled my eyes.

Hazel turned around and her golden brown eyes shined with happiness. She hugged Annabeth and kissed me on the cheek. I didn't expect that.

My face must've been priceless, because Annabeth laughed at me.

Piper hugged me and ruffled my hair and hugged Annabeth.

Then they both dragged me into Starbucks while Annabeth just laughed and followed.

"Come on! Come on! You've got to see this!" Hazel said.

She brought me to a table where the rest of the guys were sitting, Leo included. Leo grinned like a madman and said," Hey dude, Calypso couldn't make it. She's making stew for the customers at the workshop."

"That's great, Leo. Sorry I had to cancel the other day. I was a little busy."

"Naw that's fine. I would have cancelled anyway. Things were crazy at the shop."

I shrugged and sat down. We catched up while Annabeth and Hazel went to Krispy Kreme and baught us the greatest breakfast of chapmions ever. Although, Blackjack enjoyed it more. He gulped down an entire box of doughnuts and nudged Annabeth for more.

I laughed at Annabeth's outraged face expression.

When we finished our iced coffee and doughnuts, we headed out and went to camp Half-Blood to train. Chiron was once again, delighted to see us and surprised to see Leo.

We headed to the sword fighting grounds and started there. We were all out of practice. Leo broke a dummy.

Next was the duels. I went against Frank, Leo went against Annabeth( he was scared as hell), Hazel went against Jason and Clarice joined us so that she could go against Piper.

We were all fairing well, until the ground shook. I almost impaled Frank in surprise, but he jumped out of the way and said, "Watch it, Percy!"

I looked at him apologetically and then ran to Thalia's tree. Annabeth followed.

Hundreds of monsters were trying to push their way through the barrier, but were failing miserably.

There was something behind them that caught my attention, though.

It was dark. Darker than the darkest night. And as the thing cackled, it spread darkness arround, tumbling around the atmosphere like a tidal wave. After that, it was just darkness surrounding everything and everyone.

Nobody could see anything.

The cackling became louder. It must've been hilarious to the rest of the monsters as well, because they joined in.

It scared the schist out of me.

But, through the gloom, I managed to get a glimpse of someone that scared me even more.

A familiar laugh. The laugh of My father's greatest enemy.


Polybotes was there and I was trapped like a sitting duck.

One thing was clear at that moment.

We should not have come here.

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