Upstairs party

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A/N- i'm soooo sorry for waiting kinda long to update hope this kinda long chapter will make up for it. :)

Tre led me upstairs to an all-out music brawl between Billie and Jason on guitar. From what I was seeing, Billie was winning. As soon as Tre walked in, everyone started attacking him for snacks. "RAPE RAPE THEY'RE GONNA RAPE ME!" Screamed Tre and everyone laughed. Then their eyes fell on me. Jason looked at me with his death glare again. I was still confused as to why he was so mad at me.

"Look who joined the party," said Billie as he tossed me a drink. I looked at him with a confused look. "Don't worry," he said, "It's not alcohol," I relaxed, "I'm not that irresponsible to give a ten year old beer." I was a little confused and offended.

"I'm twelve," I said as I glared at Billie, "and when did I ever say you were irresponsible?"

"You didn't, but Jason wasn't the only one who understood what your dad meant."

"Don't worry about him, he's always like this when guys come over. Even my mom's brother!" I stated.

"Even your uncle?" Asked Mike, "That's messed up." The whole room was silent after that. And of course, Tre broke the silence.

"There's too much tension in this room," he said, "LET"S PARTY!!!"

About ten bottles of beer later, (for the guys) Billie and Mike were jumping off the bed doing back-flips landing on their faces, Jason was finally talking to me (but he was slurring his words and stroking my hair like a crazy person), Tre was...well, I don't even know what Tre was doing. One minute, he's jumping around singing happy birthday like a mental person (A/N-that didn't mean to be offensive) and the next, he was wailing his shirt over his head trying to get a piggy back from Billie. My parents must be so confused, if they aren't sleeping. And then Tre came up to me, oh great.

"Wanna drink?" He asked slurring his words and holding up a bottle of bud-light.

"No, I don't drink." I replied trying not to laugh.

"It's low in calories," he said hopefully, waving the bottle around in my face.

"I'm twelve."

"So?" he said, wow he was so drunk. I figured he would argue until I said yes so I just took it.

"Fine," I said.

"YEAAAAA," he said, getting in my middle of the room and standing on the bed, "NOW, EVERYONE'S GOT A DRINK IN THEIR HANDS!!!" Everyone cheered and clinked their drinks.

Thank God, Billie wasn't as drunk as Tre. He was still drunk just not as much.

"Heyyyyyyyy," said Billie in his most flamboyant voice ever.

"Um hi?" I said.

"Come join the party," he replied.

"Well, I really never talked to ya'll before so I don't know what to talk about and it's just awkward."

"Haha, you said ya'll," he commented, "Wait, but this is Tennessee, weren't you born here?" He slurred. He wasn't drunk enough to act weird and shit but he was still pretty drunk. He tried to sit down next to me and fell on his bottom instead, making a loud noise. Everyone looked in our direction.


"Haha very funny," said Billie, sarcastically, "Well, get back to your party." He turned back on me as I saw Tre with a lampshade on his head wailing his shirt in the air screaming "IM BLIND WHO TURNED THE LIGHTS OFF" which is weird because it was pretty much a transparent lampshade. (A/N-I don't know if people even make those, but I'm sure some where in the world there is a see-through lampshade)

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