The player's last play

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Gretchen didn't really talk to me anymore. And no one really talked to her anymore. :) After I stood up to her, a bunch of other people made comments, too. That was fine with me.

I started talking to Christian about "us" and I told him that he was really nice and sweet, but I just wanted to be friends. He understood and walked away sadly. I felt guilty, but I didn't say anything else.

Me and the friends are all right now. We talk and sit by each other every lunch, now.

One lunch, I felt like I was being watched or something and turned around to see Joey staring at me. He noticed I was staring back at him and smirked and winked at me. I blushed and turned back to my friends.

A couple of minutes later, Joey came up to our table. "Hey," he said, eyes on me.

"Hey," I replied back. E sat down next to me and all the girls at our table's eyes were on us. It was awkward. No one really talked and if they did, they just excluded him out. Of course I felt kinda bad for him, so I started talking to him. "Never knew the player played video games," I laughed at him.

"Well, they don't call me a player for nothing," he replied, "you have really pretty hair." He touched my head.

"Uh thanks?" I said, taking his hand off my head and putting it on his lap. I'll admit, I didn't WANT to get involved with him, but how could I help it? He was just so, so, Joey!

"So, I heard what Gretchen did to you," he said.

"Yea, she's a bitch," I said.

"Her parties are pretty cool, though."

"Yea they are," I said.

We just stopped talking and of course he had to say something. "You know, I heard about you and Christian."

"You did?" I asked.

"Yea, the whole school knows about it."

"Well, tell the whole school that me and him are just friends. No more no less."

"Good," he said.


"Cause I would rather be with you."

"You probably say that to everyone."

"No actually I don't," he said.

"Look," I said, "if you are trying to play me like everyone else, I will be surely hard to date or get me liking you."

"Oh really?" He asked, getting real close to my face. My breathing quickened. It looked like we were about to kiss. Everyone at my table was looking at us. He placed a hand on our face and I blushed. "I don't think it will be that hard." And with that he got up and walked away.

Christian's fists were balled. And his face was red. I knew he couldn't fight. He wasn't THAT scrawny, but I knew Joey could take him at any time. "Nikki, I know we're just friends, but he will brake your heart. I don't like you by him."

"Christian, I know you care and you're trying to be nice, but you're not my dad. And I can take care of myself. If he brakes my heart, then I 'll learn my lesson." The bell rang.

The months passed and me and Joey continued to talk. I was KINDA liking him. He was so sweet and hot. Then one day, he actually asked me out. "So, me and some friends are going to Merch Pier this weekend. I wanted to know if you wanted to come with us?"

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