Gretchen's house

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There wasn't much conversation in Gretchen's car. Her mom tried to learn more about me, but I pretty much just ignored her. We finally arrived at Gretchen's house. It was like a mansion. It looked about 2 or 3 stories high with big columns on the porch. It had a beautiful garden with a walkway leading up to the door. A silent stream crossed over the walkway. Over the stream was a small bridge. It was as if I was in paradise. I was reminded of the song on Dookie- Welcome to paradise. I quickly shook it out of my head. Really? I was thinking of Green Day now? Wow was I pathetic.

Ms. Patricia, Gretchen's mom, parked the car in a metal building by the house. And when I saw 'metal building' I don't mean any of those old, funky little sheds that people sell. I'm talking about a metal building that was painted to make it look like a beach.

I got out of the car and looked around. The building had things all over the place. It wasn't a tool shed. It had a mini fridge, shelves where snow globes and nick-knacks were placed, it had some stuff that I'm guessing Gretchen didn't want anymore. They weren't really old though. In fact, they looked in really good condition. I wonder...

"Nikki, dear, are you ok?" Asked Ms. Patricia, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yea, I'm fine," I replied. We walked out of the metal building and started along the pathway. I was too busy looking around to make any conversation. I looked at all the flowers and bushes. I wonder if they hired someone every month to come and work here. They probably did. Finally we were at the front door. Gretchen opened it and I was stunned. There was a living room with a grand piano. They probably didn't even play it. They probably just kept it for decoration. I could never imagine Gretchen taking piano.

"I don't play," said Gretchen, as if reading my thoughts.

"Then who does?" I asked.

"Me!" Said a person who popped up from around the corner. She looked a lot like Gretchen, but there was also differences. She had blonde hair, as did Gretchen, and green eyes, as did Gretchen. But instead of having plain hair, like Gretchen, she had brown highlights. I hope they were natural, as this girl was in like fourth grade. She had freckles and very straight teeth. Her green eyes stared up at me as I examined her.

"Nikki, meet Catherine, my little sister."

"Hi, call me Cat," said Cat, holding out her hand. How was she so nice and Gretchen so mean? But I couldn't say that. I didn't even know Gretchen that much. The whole "brat" thing could just be a fake. But then again, maybe it's not.

I took Cat's lingering hand and shook it, "I'm Nicole, but you can call me Nikki."

"Oh so you're Nikki? Gretchen told me that you're an e-" Gretchen put her hand over Cat's mouth before she could say anything else.

"That you're a- um- even better actress than I am." I nodded, doubting that it was true.

"No," said Cat, taking her hand off her mouth, "She said that you're an em-" Gretchen took her sister to the hallway and went to talk to her. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I could make out the words, "Nikki...don't mess it up." I watched as Cat went to what I was guessing her room and Gretchen came back over to me.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"Are you always this nosy?" She joked, "Come on I'll show you around the house." She walked me into a room with a TV and a fireplace, where some guys were playing X-box and some other people were playing the wii. "This is the living room," said Gretchen, gesturing to the room, "You see that guy over there? The one on the X-box?" I nodded, instantly knowing who it is, "that's-"

"Joey Fetch," I finished.

"You know him?" she asked confused.

"Who doesn't? I can't believe he's actually at your party!"

"Me neither, right? You see the girl right there sitting on the arm of the chair? That's Danielle Sparks. You do not wanna talk to her. She is so desperate. She's also a tomboy and a lesbian."

"You have something against lesbians?" I asked.

"Well yea," she said, "they're making a huge sin."

"If you don't like her, then why did you invite her?" I asked.

"That's the thing, I didn't. Danny!" Danielle's head turned in our direction, "You weren't invited! Out!" Danielle walked her head down and out the door. I couldn't believe Gretchen just did that. "Ok now that that's finished, you see the two nerds over there on the computer? Those are Derek and Spike. You don't wanna talk to them. Instant popularity death." She walked me out the room and into another room. I'm guessing it was the kitchen. Only her mom was there. She was cooking something, probably snacks for the guests. She waved and I waved back. "This is the kitchen." She led me into what I thought was a room, but it was really an elevator. And elevator?! OMFG! HOLY GREEN DAY! And it wasn't one of those stupid elevators that have no decoration it was like a Hampton hotel elevator. Carpets on the floors and walls, railings on the sides, you get the picture. There was even elevator music playing!

She hit a number and it started going. Oh crap. Did I ever mention I hate elevators. Good thing they had that hand rail. I gripped for my life and when the doors opened, I was the first to get out. She led me into a room where the disco ball was and the whole floor was a dance floor. People were dancing in the whole room. It looked like everyone from our school was here. I even saw people who weren't from our school. I even think some high schoolers were grinding on each other. Well ok then... "This is the dance room."She gestured to the whole room, "You see that boy over there? That's Michael Humpfrey. He's the bad boy of the school. If he likes you, then you're like a goddess." I stared at the boy with brown hair and tan skin. He was gorgeous. "You see that girl over there? She's a whore." The girl had a crop top on with no undershirt and very short shorts. They might as well had just been underwear. "You see the guy over there?" I nodded, "He's a pervert. Once he was looking in my window while I was getting dressed." I gasped. "His name is Paul Jerrard. Stay away from him."

She led me into the room next door. "The arcade." She went in the room across from it, "the movie room." It was a movie theater...LITERALLY! She led me to the room next to the arcade, "The bathroom." And it wasn't that little bathroom, it was like a gym bathroom. With what looked like a thousand showers and a thousand stalls. The sinks were marble. The taps were golden. It was amazing. She walked out of the room and took me to the room next to the dance room, "The casino." ARE YOU JOKING?! A FRICKIN" CASINO?! OMFG! It had rows and rows of casino games. Some of which I recognized when me and my mom went to one.

She led me to the room across from the bathroom and opened the door, "the bar." They had a bunch of men in it, drinking. This would be Jeff's paradise. "These are my dad's friends," she said, gesturing to all the people. She led me back to the elevator an hit the number 3. I help onto the railings with my death grip again. "This is the floor with all the bedrooms so nothing much to see." She brought me down the elevator again. I held onto the railings, my stomach churning. Finally, the door opened to level 2. "Now go," said Gretchen, "Go join the party."


OMG Gretchen's house is AMAZING! I wish I had her house. *sighs*, now you know about Gretchen's rich family and her sibling, Cat. Isn't Cat cute? She's about 9 and in fourth grade. :) How can her and Gretchen be so different? Has anyone noticed Gretchen's Dad was not in the chapter??? Hmmmmmmmm? So, what'd you think of it? Like it? :) Love it? :D Hate it? D: Leave it in the comments! (Hate comments ARE accepted) VOTE+COMMENT!!! LUV YA'LL <3

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