I was wrong (pt.1)

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I looked out the window. It looked like the whole city was here. At my house. Just wait until people at school hear about this. School! I forgot to go to school yesterday! What time is it? 6:45. Good I still have some time. "Guys," I said, "you might wanna take a look at this." Everyone piled over to me and looked out the window. They pulled back the curtain a little to hard and pulled off the curtain. Oh great. Everyone in the crowd noticed this and if they didn't, then they would surely notice it when everyone else moved over to the window. I saw the reporter come over. Wonderful. Just perfect. The guys were still just staring out the window. "Well, don't just stand there!" I said, "Move! You're just attracting more people!" My statement was more directed at Tre than anyone else. He was posing and modeling stupid poses for the cameras. Wow really? Once he made a girly pose and made kissy faces. Perfect. I couldn't get him to move. I had to grab him by the arm and literally drag him off. I could hear disappointing noises from the crowd. I really didn't care. "Mom," I said.

"Yes?" She said.

"What about school?" I asked.

"Oh shit! Uhhh ask your dad if he can take you."

"He's working," I said.

"Uhhh well the only way I could bring you was if I leave them alone and I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why not?" Asked Tre, "Don't you trust us?"

"Uhhu of course!" Said my mom, uncertainly, "It's just what about the press?"

"I can bring her!" Said Billie.

"If anyone would bring her, it wouldn't be you! You're the most famous one!"

"What about me?" asked Jason Freese.

"No. Not any of the band members. One of the technical people. Um who will volunteer?" Nobody raised their hand. Wow I feel the love.

"Ok Jason, you wanna do it?"

"Me?"Asked Jason White.

"No Jason Freese. From now on, you're Freese and you're White." They both nodded.

"Um, which car am I supposed to take?" Asked Freese.

"Uh here take mine," my mom said, handing Freese the keys, "If I see ONE scratch, you're dead."

"Uh-er, yes mam," said Freese, stuttering.

"I'm going brush my teeth," I told Freese before brushing my teeth, and putting my hair in a quick ponytail. I walked out, tightening my ponytail, slightly. "I'm ready," I said.

"Woah," said Mike, "you kinda look like Gloria from 21st Century breakdown. Doesn't she, Billie?"

"Yea," said Billie, "Yea she DOES doesn't she? Hmmmmm you know we never shot that video for Viva La Gloria."

"The one with question marks or the one with explanation points?" Asked White.

"The question marks," answered Billie.

"Well, I gotta get to school," I said, walking out the door and dragging Freese with me.

We got into my mom's car. Freese started trying to start it but had some difficulties. "It's old," I said.

"Well, I kinda figured that," he laughed, still trying to start it.

"You have to push the key in while turning it," I said. He tried but he was still having a hard time. "Look," I said, "Like this." I pushed the key and turned. The car started. There was a crowd gathering around us. I guess they recognized Jason Freese. Freese repeatedly honked the horn but no one moved. They were still all at the front of the car and at the windows. I suddenly knew what he had to do. "Just go," I said.

"What?" He asked.

"Just go," I repeated.

"Are you crazy?! We would kill all these people!"

"Just go. They'll move," I said, "Go slowly."

"Ok," he said, "This better work." He started moving the car slow and sure enough people go tout the way. He honked the horn and continued to move slowly. We were finally on the road. The moment we reached the road he sped off to the highway. We didn't have much conversation during the car ride. I guess we were both thinking. It wasn't that awkward silence, though. The only conversation we had was when I asked Freese something.

"Can you teach me piano?" I asked. He looked shocked.

"I thought you knew how already," he said.

"I do, but I don't know much. And I have trouble practicing my homework for my lessons. The only thing I wanna practice is the songs I learn from the internet."

"Well, what do you know?" He asked.

"I know the C chords, the D chords, the E chords, the F chords, the G chords, the A chords, about accidentals, about minor chords, about rests, about quarter note, half note, whole note, eighth note, whole rests, half rests, quarter rests, eighth rests, how many beats each note gets, ummmmm and I think that's about it," I said.

"So the only chord you don't know is the B chord?" Freese asked.

"Yea," I answered, "Also if you have any tips on how to stay on the beat and to practice on what your supposed to be practicing on, I'd love to hear 'em."

"Well, what I do is think as soon as you get this done you can do whatever you want. Practice for one hour a day. As for the beat, practice your homework with the beat. Like, use your metronome at home. So this is your school?"

"Yea, wait," I said, "how did you know where my school is?"

"Your mom told me directions," he answered.

"Oh well bye," I said, waving.

"Bye! Have a good day," he said waving and driving off. I sighed staring at the door. I checked my watch 7:47. I was about 20 minutes late. I stared at the door thinking about what would happen when I go inside. I guess I wouldn't know who would be my real friend or who would be my friend just because I live with Green Day. If I thought living with Green Day would be fun, I was soooo wrong...



Soooooo there's the next chapter for you guys. and yes I put it as pt 1 and pt 2 because I didn't wanna make it too long. And have you noticed anything? I'm not writing my A/N in all caps anymore cause I have a notebook laptop and it doesn't have a caps lock so I would have to have one hand on the shift while the other is writing it and that's too hard. Sooooo anyway, this chappie is dedicated to JaiSwagginHard because everytime I write a new chappie I know they will vote for it even if it sucks like this one :( This is kinda just a filler chappie. This story is also dedicated to MikeDirntscoffee, but you know I can't dedicate it to 2 people, cause i know evertime I post a new chapter even before they read they will always vote for it and comment :) Sooooo how'd you think of it? Like it? :) Love it? :D hate it? D: leave your thoughts in the comments below! (hate comments ARE accepted) If any thing was wrong with this chappie plz tell me so I can make it better :) I am so thankful for everyone who doesn't think this story sucks cause trust me there is a lot of stories better than mine. I know that. COMMENT RATE VOTE LUV YA'LL <3

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