Tears streaming down your face

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It was all coming back to me, now. The tissues that White had to get out of my room. My mom's puffy eyes. My mom forgetting about that I didn't have school yesterday. My dad signing the papers. It all came to my mind at once and before I knew what was happening, I was crying. Tears streamed down my face, from my eyes to my cheeks and dripped onto the floor. My mom came over to me and patted on the bed next to her. I sat down and cried into her shirt. She held me close and hugged me. "Why?" I asked, between sobs.

"I know what you're thinking. I didn't cheat on him," she said.

"Then what happened?" I asked.

"It was your father."

"What'd he do?" I asked.

"Well, I supposed now you can know the truth about your dad. Now, listen good, it's hard enough for me to say this one time, I'm not gonna say it twice. Now, your father seemed like a very nice man when I met him. We went out for a while and he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes of course. After about a year, he proposed to me. I said yes and we got married. I asked him if he had been married before and he told me he had been married 3 times before me. I asked why they divorced him and he told me that they all cheated on him. I felt sorry for him and promised I would not screw this marriage up. He came home a couple of times acting weird. Like whenever I would ask him how his day was he would tell me to fuck off. So I figured he just had a few drinks with friends. He came home a week later acting the same way. I thought he had a couple of drinks that night too. So, the next weekend, I had my friend over. She was messing around with him when he was in one of those moods. Me and her laughed, but his fists were balled. She made another joke, and he took out a gun and pointed it at her head. He said, 'Make a joke like that again, and this bullet with go through your skull.' I was petrified. I was horrified. This was not my sweet husband that I married. This was another man. It was as if all hell broke loose inside of him. A couple of months later, I realized he was an alcoholic, but I haven't seen him like that since then so I shrugged it off. Then you were born and everything was finally coming together. Our family was complete. Then he started to not trust me. I found it kind of flattering that he go jealous, but then it just became annoying. It them dawned on me that he didn't trust me as a wife. I held in my feelings until three days ago at dinner. Yesterday, I called Ms. Jess, she's your dad's ex wife. I asked her why her and your father got divorced. She said because he was cheating on her. I told her that he told me that she cheated on him. She told me that I was wrong and that he cheated on her. I figured the only way to find out was to call all his other wives. So, I called them and they all said that he cheated on them. They also said that I should keep my eye out for him to make sure he doesn't cheat on me. So I know this sounds weird, but I followed him to work today and I left the guys alone because I trust them now and they'res not that many people around our house anymore. So, I followed him and I saw him and another girl. I saw them on the bench and they were...they were...kissing!" She sobbed again into her hands and I patted her head.

I couldn't believe it. My dad, the shy guy, had threatened to kill my mother's best friend and cheated on my mom. He was a damn player! My dad has been lying to me and my mom all these years. He has been lying to me for all my life! He's been lying to me for 12 years! He's been lying mom for about 14 years! Suddenly I hated my dad. I hated him and anything to do with him. He betrayed my mom. He betrayed all of us! Suddenly, I just went to my room. I didn't even tell my mom anything I just went to my room.

I saw my dad on the couch looking at the papers. I watched from the wall, so he couldn't see me, as his pen lifted and he brought it along the paper. It seemed to go in slow motion. I watched as my dreams were crushed. He was signing the divorcement paper. I ran to my room as fast as I could without my dad seeing me and texted my cousin.

Me and her are very close. We're practically sisters. Her name is Alex. She knew my dad was looking at other women when we went on the vacation. In all of our pictures, he's never looking at the camera. His eyes were always somewhere else. Now, I knew why. He was looking at other women.

I texted Alex.

ME: Hey

It wasn't until a little while until I got a text back.

ALEX: Hey. I heard about the Green Day thing u must be very excited u ARE obsessed with them.

ME: u say that like it's a bad thing

ALEX: is that y u texted me?

ME: no u know how when we were on vacation, dad was always looking somewhere else in the pictures and how u said he was looking @ other women?

ALEX: yea...

ME: well, u were right

ALEX: what r u talking about

ME: he cheated on my mom they're getting divorced.

ALEX: Nikki, I am so srry. Do u need someone ot talk 2?

ME: no I just wanted 2 tell u that, bye

ALEX: bye

I started crying. I don't need any sympathy. That's the only thing people will be willing to give. Sympathy. But not one will actually care enough to help. They just say they do. I kept crying. I never knew how much my live would change with this small time sequence. I kept crying. I kept crying and I never stopped.


Sooooo NEW CHARACTER. She is based off of my cousin, Alexis. We are very close. When we were on vacation my dad kept looking in different directions in the pictures and that's what she thought he was doing. So, I just made a chapter out of it. So was this chappie sad? Put in comments if it was too sad. So I would dedicate this chappie to my cousin, but idk her wattpad name soooo yea, I'm just gonna dedicate it to basketcaseinbloom23. They just started reading it and are up to date on what was going on. WELCOME TO THE "FAMILY" OF READING THIS BOOK! Ok, so guess what??? MY BOOK GOT OVER 500 READS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM FREAKING OUT!!! So, I'm thinking of writing a book about bullying. Tell me if I should in the comments. My teeth hurt :( lol that was so random. So I know I said about the dedication contest and I haven't picked a winner yet. So whoever will win will get the dedication in the next chappie :) Sooooo, what'd you think of it? Like it? :) Love it? :D Hate it? D: Leave it in the comments below!

So, let's get this straight. A couple of things to leave in the comments (hate comments ARE accepted): if it was too sad, What you think about it, if I should write a book on bullying, and that's it! :)


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