My plan

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Everyone was still staring at as like a psycho when we were done. "What?" I asked.

"You haven't laughed in five years?" Asked Mike.

"Yea," I said, "you'd understand if you were us."

"But I made you laugh lots of times," said Tre.

"Yea, can't you tell the difference between a fake laugh and a real one?" I said.

"Well, only fake laughs I heard in movies and plays and stuff," said Freese.

"Wow I guess Todd was right, you ARE a good actress," said Billie.

"Thank you," I said, bowing. "Oh and mom?"

"Yes, sweetie?" She said in the sweetest voice I've ever heard.

"You know Gretchen at my school?"

"Yes, why?"

"Well she's having a party Saturday and I wanted to know if I could go."

"You want to go to that bitch's party?"

"Yep moment ruined," said Tre, turning off the camera on his phone.

"Well, she's not a bitch anymore, mom." I pleaded.

"Sweetie, she's called you loads of things. I've gotten loads of calls from the office saying that Gretchen called you an emo freak and lesbian and she still got out of trouble. And you want to go to her party?" Mom said.

"Mom, she's not bitchy anymore. She asked me to go and I saw something in her eyes. I don't know what it was, but it was sincere. Please let me go!"

"Nicole, I said no and that's no."

"Actually, you never said no," I muttered.

"Go to your room! Now!"

"Yea nice punishment, mom. Sending me to a room full of things I love." I said, going to my room.


"I'm going, bitch, chill!" I said, slamming the door. Then I covered my mouth. I just called my mom a bitch. No one calls her a bitch. I hated when I just said what I was thinking. I heard a knock on the door. "Go away!" I yelled, throwing a pillow at the door.

"It's Jason."

"Which one?" I asked.

"Does it really matter?"

"Yea! Now, which one?"

"White." I let him in. He sat on my bed beside me.

"Did you ever think that maybe she's just wanting to be friends with you because of us?" He asked. Ha! He's obviously never heard about this chick.

"Ha! You obviously don't know Gretchen! She listens to modern music."

"And we're not modern?"

"Well- wait I didn't mean it like that." I said.

"I know-I know," he replied. I sighed.

"Oh well, all she listens to is y'know modern music. Like rap and hip hop and pop." I said, "She wouldn't even think about listening to ya'll."

"Ha! You said ya'll."

"Shut up, I'm from the south." I said, hitting his arm.

"That didn't hurt," he said.

"Do you want it to hurt?" I asked.

"Ha! You can't hurt me." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Arm wrestle." I said. We both put our arms on the dresser and started to arm wrestle. "You're probably gonna win," I said. And I was right, within the first 3 seconds, he pinned my arm down.

"So, you take that back about hurting me?" He asked, smirking.

"Don't smirk," I said, "It doesn't look good on you."

"Oh," he said, a little disappointed.

"Did that hurt?" I asked.

"Well yea," he said.

"My point, exactly." I laughed, "Oh and about physical hurting...I could probably do that too." I said as I pulled out a pistol from my closet.

"Um why do you have a gun in your closet?" He asked, nervously.

"Don't worry I'm not gonna shoot you, and if someone ever comes to break in and tries to kill me or rape me," I said the last part a little distant. Memories flood back to last year. No. I needed to forget about that. I never told anyone. And I wasn't going to tell them.

"Oh," he said, walking out, "but really, think about what I said about this Metchin or whatever. She could be using you for popularity." I rolled my eyes as he walked out the door.

"Whatever," I whispered. I had a plan how to get to this party. I had a plan and it would work well. I waited until dinner and I ate. And I went to sleep. I couldn't wait until Saturday.


The week went by longer than I hoped it would. My mom never noticed I called her a bitch, but she did make me apologize to the guys. I don't know why. Gretchen kept asking me if I would go. I told her I would and she smiled. I still never told my friends about the divorce. I decided I would tell them next week. Gretchen asked me for my number and I gave it to her. We texted about the party. She told me about the party boat. It was her dad's.

So, anyway, it was finally Saturday. I waited until it was it was night. Everyone was asleep. I texted Gretchen to pick me up. She came. Great my plan was carrying on just as expected. I took my key went out side and locked the door. Before I pretended to yell to my mom goodbye. I got in the car. My plan had worked out perfectly.


Sooooo, Nikki is so bad I mean she called her mom a bitch and sneaked out in all the same week! So, will her mom catch her? Will she get back from the party in time? And I know I said the party was for five, or something like that, but let's just say it's for 8-12. So, WHITE FINALLY HAD HIS "BONDING TIME" WITH NIKKI! Lol XD So, what'd you think about it? Like it? :) Love it? :D Hate it? D: Leave it in the comments! (Hate comments ARE accepted) If anything is wrong with this chapter please tell me, so I can make it better! :) And also, TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY?????? OMG! RATE AND VOTE! LUV YA'LL <3

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