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So, the rest of the day went like the first. Class was boring. I don't even know why we go to school. Like one of Billie's famous quotes, "School is practice for the future. And practice makes perfect. But if nobody's perfect, why practice?" Especially with our school. They hardly teach us anything. The only thing we learned is that Mrs. Pear is a total bitch and Mrs. Terch, well let's just say it's very surprising that she's a Mrs. and not a Ms. Urg. I hate school.

Finally, it was dismissal. yay. Everyone gets to go home. I still never told Christian, Gloria, Gavin, Cole, Vickey, or Gabby about my parents. Why does everything bad happen to me? I think this Green Day thing is a curse. I think I did something really bad and now I'm cursed. I turned to Christian. "Hey," I said.

"Hey," said Christian.

"How'd you feel when your parents got divorced?" I asked. Christian's parents got divorced when he was around 10 years old so, about 2 or 3 years ago.

"Well, I was upset of course. I thought I would never see my mom again," his dad got custody, "but, I get to see her. I mean not a lot, but I do get to see her."

"How'd you tell us?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Like how hard was it to tell us that your parents got divorced?"

"It was pretty hard," he said.

"How long did you wait until you told us?"

"About 2 or 3 weeks. Why are you asking all these questions about divorcement?"

"It just popped in my mind, randomly," I lied. I couldn't tell him. I wasn't ready. I didn't need any sympathy right now. People will give sympathy not help. I would wait to tell them, when they are all gathered so I wouldn't have to say it twice. I felt my eyes water. No. No. Don't cry. Not right now. I quickly wiped them away and put my head down. Gretchen turned around. Great she probably saw me crying. Great.

"Are you ok?" She asked. Why would she care?

"No but why would you care?" I said.

"Maybe I'm trying to be friendly," she said. Ha. Yeah right. Just an hour ago, she was calling me an idiot and just 6 hours ago, she was calling me an emo freak.

"Yeah, and maybe you're not."

"Really, I am," she said.

"I doubt it," I said, "Just an hour ago, you were calling me an idiot and just in the morning, you were calling me an emo freak!"

"Is that why your sad?" She asked.

"No," I answered.

"Then why?" She asked.

"I'm not gonna tell YOU," I said.

"Ok, fine, but try not to cut yourself, emo freak," she said turning around. Wow, bipolar much? I sighed and heard my name being called. I got my stuff and started to stand up, but then Christian whispered my name.

"Hey, Nikki, if anything is wrong, text me," he said. I nodded, my eyes full of tears and ran out. I saw Mrs. Terch talking to someone in my mom's car. It wasn't my mom, it was a man. I couldn't see who it was, though, Mrs. Terch was in the way. Again, she was pestering him about signing some papers. They both saw me.

"Look!" The man said, "Ask her if she knows me! She does!"

"Ms. Jones, do you know this man?" Asked Mrs. Terch.

I Hate Living With GreendayWhere stories live. Discover now