?Vivia La Gloria? (pt.1)

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We went to some studio after I called my mom on the house phone and told her that I'm going with the guys to the video. She was hesitant at first, but just told me to be careful and if they try anything, to kick 'em in the balls. I laughed and told her I would and we went to the place. When we didn't show up at a place, just in the woods, I was really scared.

"What's wrong?" Asked Mike.

"Wh-why are you bringing me to the w-woods?" I asked.

"Because we're gonna rape you!" Blurted out Tre. I screamed and jumped out of the car, but Mike grabbed me. I started to scream.

"Let me go! Let me go! RAPE! RAPE!" Everyone was laughing.

"It's ok, Nikki!" Said Mike, "Nikki, it's fine!" I tried to get out of his grip.

"No it's not! You're gonna rape me! You were my favorite band!" I screamed.

"Nikki, look!" Yelled Billie, as he pointed to the woods. I stared through the trees and saw cameras being set up. I relaxed. They were only filming it in the woods.

"Nice job, Tre," said Freese. Tre laughed and looked down, guiltily.

"I was only trying to be funny! I didn't think she'd actually think that we were gonna rape her!" I was so stupid. I actually believed they would rape me. Wow.

"It's fine, Tre," I said. We got out the car and went towards the cameras. I saw Billie shake hands with the camera guy.

"So this is our Gloria, huh?" Said the camera man. I was shy around new people. I nodded and he held out a hand, "I'm Todd." (A/N~ I don't know if that's their actual camera person's name, but let's pretend it is.) I shook it.

"I'm Nikki," I said, shyly. And no I didn't "hide" behind any of the guys or anything like that. I'm not THAT shy.

"Well, hello Nikki," said Todd, "This is what you're going to do..." He told me the plan and we rehearsed it before practicing. This reminded me of the hunger games. I don't know why. It just did.

I stood in the middle of the forest by some marsh. I watched as the camera unfocused and focused. That's what they wanted me to do for the first shot. I stood there and waited for Todd to say stop. "We got it!" yelled Todd. Then we got back in the car and went to my house. Was that all we were gonna do for today? I guess not cause when we got there I noticed Todd and his helpers came with us. Mom was home. "Elizabeth?" Called, Tre. My mom came out of her room her eyes kinda puffy.

"What's wrong?" Asked Mike.

"Don't worry about it," said mom.

"It'll be all better for the video," said Billie.

"Uh, why are we here?" I asked Todd.

"Because we need some stuff of you and your mom fighting and then you crying." He said. I nodded and told mom.

"So where would be the best spot?" Mom asked.

"Uh maybe in the living room?" Said Todd. Mom nodded and went to the living room. Me following close behind. She stood facing me and I knew we were both on the verge of crying. My mom asked Todd when we should go and he said, "Wait...now!" We started yelling at each other. We were both almost crying.

"You need to tell him!" I said, throwing my arms in the air.

"I can't!" She yelled back.

"Do you still love him?!" I said, "How can you still love him!? He cheated on you! He has been lying to you for who knows how long! He betrayed you! He betrayed me! He has been lying to you about his wives for 14 years! That's all my life!" She stared at me in astonishment, "Urg! I can't believe you!" I walked out and into my room. I hope the director thought that was acting. Todd came in with his camera and the guys.

"Wow you're a really good actor!" He said. Good he believed it was acting.

"So what do you want me to do?" I asked.

"Go cry in the corner," he said.

"Um ok?" I said. I went in the corner and thought about everything. I knew that was the only way I would cry. Thinking about my dad. He almost killed one of my mom's best friends! He's been lying to me my whole life! He's been cheating on my mom for who knows how long! Did he ever REALLY go to work? Did he even have a job? I felt tears coming to my eyes. I started crying. I'm guessing it was good cause Todd gave me a thumbs up. I put my head in my hands.

"We got it!" Yelled Todd. I quickly wiped my eyes and stood up. I looked at Mike, my eyes still full of tears. I always thought Mike was the nicest one. I think he knew I wasn't acting. Billie looked at him and back at me. I hope he didn't think what I thought he was thinking. I shook my head at Billie and he nodded. I think he smirked a little bit, but I just rolled my eyes. "Ok, now can you just look out the window?" Asked Todd. I nodded and went to the window. I looked out the window, eyes full of tears. I wiped them away and continued to look out the window, aware of the camera focused on me. "Got it!" Yelled Todd again. "Ok, now we're gonna go back to the woods," said Todd.

"Couldn't you just do that when we were there?" I asked.

"Well, I never really thought of that," said Todd, scratching his neck, nervously.

We got in the car and went to the woods. "Was that really acting?" Whispered Mike. I looked at him and shook my head.

"I'll tell you about it later," I said. He shook his head, grinning.

"I didn't need to know," he said.

"No I wanna tell you." He nodded and I stared out the window. We arrived at the woods and I got out the car. "So what do you want me to do?" I asked.

"So, there will be a camera on the ground and you will walk OVER it. Please don't step on it. It is very expensive!" Said Todd. I nodded and stood where he told me to. He set the camera down, laying down behind it. He pressed a button and gave me a thumbs up. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and started walking. I stepped over the camera and over Todd. "We got it!" He said, "We'll do the rest tomorrow." Everyone nodded and said goodbye to Todd. I shook his hand and nodded. I got in the car and continued to stare out the window. We got home and I was the first one to jump out. I went to my room and thought about me and mom's "fake" argument.

How could she still love him? He cheated on her! Did she tell him that she knows? He lied to her for 14 years! Does he even have a job?! Where is he, anyway. I bet he's at that girl's house. What was her name, again? I don't remember, nor do I want to.

What about tomorrow? Will I skip school because of the video? I bet I will. I wonder how long I'll have to wait until I'm ready to tell them. You know who I'm talking about. My friends. I hope they'll understand why I didn't tell them before. And just like that, I was asleep.


Hey, so this is the first video chapter. This isn't really dedicated to anyone. But I noticed more people added this to their reading lists...WELCOME TO THE CLUB! Soooo, now you know about Mike. I always imagined him the nicest one. He's the only one who replies to people on instagram. And no, Mike and Nikki will not fall in love that's weird, he's married and is like 20 years older than her. So, yea. And I might make Billie fall in love with Elizabeth or vice versa, but they won't get married or anything cause, you know Billie's married and has 2 kids. Oh and just thought you should know, THIS BOOK GOT ALMOST 900 READS!!!!! HOLY GREEN DAY OH MY BILLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND IT'S NOT EVEN CLOSE TO DONE YET!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!! THANK YOU SO FLIPPIN MUCH FOR NOT GIVING UP ON THIS BOOK!!!!!! I could just kiss you right now...but I'm not. Sooooo, what'd you think of it? Like it? :) Love it? :D Hate it? D: Leave it in the comments! RATE, COMMENT, VOTE! LUV YA'LL

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