Whispers, snickers, and rumors

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"Don't make me go!" I pleaded to my mom.

"No, you have to go," she replied, "nothing's wrong with you and you already missed enough days of school."

"But they'll make fun of me!"

"Haven't you ever learned to face your problems rather than run away from them?" Asked Freese.

I nodded, looking at the ground, "Fine, I'll go," I muttered.

"Ok," said mom, "I'll drive you."

"But I wanted to drive," pouted Tre.

"Haha, Tre you're funny," I said.

"Why can't I drive?" Asked Tre. Everyone just stared at the ground nervously. "Well fine then!" Said Tre, stomping off.

After that, everyone couldn't help, but laugh. "Did you see his face?" Asked White, between laughs. Everyone nodded and continued laughing.

"Ok, now, let's get you to school," said Mike in a serious tone. Everyone stopped laughing, as I was shoved out the door with my bags.

Mom got in the front seat and I got in the passenger side. We drove without a word. Every time I would try to protest about going to school, she would just shush me and turn the radio louder. I didn't even say goodbye as I looked towards the doors of the modern hell-hole.

I walked in and walked silently, looking at the ground, towards my homeroom as people around me snickered and whispered. Finally, after what felt like an hour, I walked up to the doors of our homeroom. I looked at the door for a while. Then, remembering that sometime I HAD to go in AND that I probably looked like a perverted stalker, I walked in. Instantly, all eyes were on me. I stared at the floor as people whispered, glancing in my direction. After one person whispered, the person who they were talking to would snicker at me and whisper to someone else.

I watched as it came to Vickey and she looked kind of nervous. Then, without hesitation, she looked at me, snickered, and whispered it to the person next to her. I couldn't believe this. She was my best friend since, well, since as long as I can remember! And now, she was telling rumors about me. I put my head in my hands, and glanced up as a hand was on my arm. It was Christian. "I know that you must be sad about what Vickey did. We all are. I can't believe she would do that."

"Neither can I," I said, "I've been her friend since as long as I can remember and now, she's spreading rumors about me!"

Christian looked confused, "Wait, what are you talking about?"

"What are YOU talking about?" I asked, just as confused as he was.

His eyes went wide, "Oh, you didn't see it yet, did you?"

"See what?" I asked. He slowly pulled out his phone, and covered it so Mrs. Pear wouldn't see it.

"Here, take a look at this," he said, handing me the phone.

I looked at it. It was instagram on Vickey's page. It was a video. I lowered the volume, so only I could hear it. I bent my head down, slightly to hear it better. It was of Vickey walking on the sidewalk. She had something on her head, but I couldn't tell what it was. It was a mask or something. Then I saw it. It was a mask of my face. I watched as she spoke, mocking my voice, "Hi! I'm Nicole! But you can call me Nikki. I live with Green Day, so you should bow down to me! I faked getting burned to get attention. And I almost got raped a year ago! But wait, am I faking that? I lie so much, I can't keep track of what I lie about! Remember, I'm Nicole Jones!" The video went off. What happened to her? She told the whole school about last year! That's why everyone was giving me hard looks. And they think I'm bluffing!

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