Back to school

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So I figured out what I was gonna do. There are still a few unanswered questions (what happened last year, does Gretchen really like her, etc) and I planned a really special thing at the end, so that will get cleared up and then I will do an epilogue. So yes the book is coming to an end :(, but you can always reread it! :) So anyway, here's the chapter.


The hospital kept me for almost a whole week. By that time, I was sick of tests and stuff like that. But, that also meant I had to go back to school. More points and murmurs. And my skin wasn't exactly back to normal. My arm still looked like some of the skin was off and both my arms were black and ashy. Would they stay like that my whole life? I looked at my legs as if they would magically heal overnight. They were still red and some parts black.

Going back to school also meant that I would have to retake stupid tests and catch up on work. Good thing only 2 more weeks until summer :)

My friends slept at the hospital a couple of nights, but their parents said that they needed to get to school, which cause Gavin to make a frowny face and said, "It was good while it lasted."

The doctor told gave my mom something and told her and I that I needed to put that n the burnt, which is the black, skin and in a few months I should be seeing improvement, but I will have scars. I nodded and they took my IV out and put a band-aid thing on it again.

I got in the car and we started going home. I know that when this was over I would totally be punished, probably have my head phones taken away. I sighed, knowing that's what my mom would do. "Where are the guys?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"At home, where else?" I shrugged.

I looked out the window and just stared. I knew I was going to be punished, even though that I was almost burned to death. You don't know my mom. "What's my punishment?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" She asked, keeping both eyes on the road, but putting on a confused face.

"I didn't listen to you when you said I needed to take the headphones off."

"What you don't think you're punished enough?" She joked.

"Well, you being the strict mom you are, I thought that-y'know."

"Well, I was going to punish you, but the guys talked me out of it."

Just then Tre popped up from the back seat and almost gave us a heart attack. "That's right!" He said. Me and mom jumped and the car swerved. She quickly grabbed the wheel and straightened out the car.

"Tre! What the F**k?!" Mom said.

"Oh, I was here waiting for Nikki to come back. Billie's here, too," he said as he pulled up Billie's head by his hair, who smiled, eating an apple.

"Wait," I said, "so, ya'll were here the whole time?"

They nodded.

"When I left home, you sneaked in the car?" Asked mom.

They nodded, "Oh, but it wasn't JUST us," said Billie.

"Mike's here, too," said Tre, pulling up Mike by his hair, "And the Jason W and Jason F," he pulled up White and Freese by their hair. They rubbed their heads and smiled shyly.

"Ya'll are crazy," I said, turning back around.

"Well, someone's feeling better," said Billie, sitting in a seat and buckling up along with everyone else.

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