Mom's home

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I walked out of my room after I was washed up. Mike was the only one that knew why I was crying. Not even my friends new. I wondered when I would be ready to tell them. I don't know why I hadn't told them yet. I think I was ready. I told Mike. I think since I already told one person, I was ready to tell other people.

I walked into the living room. It was about 9:30. I spent the rest of the night playing piano and guitar. My parents never minded that I had electric guitars. I always played them loud, but I guess they didn't mind. They never told me anything. I started playing Brutal Love and singing to it. Soon everyone could hear me. Then Billie burst in. Oh great. "Was that you?!" He said.

"Who else?" I asked.

"That was really good."

"Thanks I've been playing since I was 6."

"I meant the singing."

"Gee, thanks for the guitar complement," I said, "And I don't really sing much, so I don't realize how the singing can be THAT good."

"Well, it was," he said, "Your voice can go high pitch and low pitch without sounding off key. It's amazing."

"Um thanks?" I said. "Is my mom back yet?"

"Actually no. Neither is your dad." he replied, "Wonder where they could be." I was about to cry again. No. I couldn't. Billie would NOT know about this.

"Yea, me too," I said, my voice shaking.

"Nikki? Are you ok?" Asked Billie.

"Yea," I lied.

"Y'know if anything is wrong, y'know you can just tell me."

"Chill out nothing is wrong."

"I know something's wrong, Nikki. I mean c'mon, you're about to cry. Just tell me."

"No you can't know." I said.

"Why not?"

"Because only one person knows it and I don't WANT you to know."

"Why don't you want me to know?"

"Because all you will do id feel sorry for me. And I don't need any sympathy. I hate it."

"Ok, I won't ask anymore." He said.

"Can you please just leave?" I asked, being as polite as possible.

"Yea," he said, getting up and leaving. I started crying. I held my hands to my face. As another person came it. It was Mike. I kept crying. Mike already knew. He patted my back again.

"I didn't tell him," said Mike.

"I know you didn't," I said, "and he knows I don't wanna talk about it." I kept crying into my hands. Mike put my head against his chest and I bawled into his shirt. Using it for a tissue.

"Ok, uh ew," he said, "This is a new shirt!"

"Sorry," I sighed, crying into my knees.

"I know what will help," he said.

"What?" I asked.

"Listening to music." He went on my ipod and noticed the password. "Here," he said, handing it to me, "type it in, I won't look." He turned his head away as I typed it in. He scrolled through my songs, his face turning into a smirk. I guess he noticed I had a lot of Green Day songs. "Ok, let's put it on shuffle." He clicked a button and 'Shadow of the Day' by Linkin Park came on. I didn't know if he knew the lyrics, but after a while he got used to them. I turned on my disco ball and we had a 2 person party. 2 person until Tre walked in.

I Hate Living With GreendayWhere stories live. Discover now