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I woke up screaming. I hope no one heard me. I thought all that stuff I heard at Merch Pier was a dream, but then I remembered. It wasn't. I smiled at the thought of Joey saying that. I never really thought that he felt that way. I always thought that he was just playing me, but look where we are now. :)

I had a nightmare about last year. He was sneaking into my house. He was murdering my mom. Then he came into my room as I tried to hide under the bed, but he caught me and dragged me out by my shirt. Then he held me up to his height by the front of my shirt collar. Our faces were so close. I can't believe I actually thought this monster was a boy. "Missed me?" He hissed into my ear. Then I woke up.

I've been having these nightmares for a few days now, but I didn't tell anyone. Only a few people know about what happened last year. And that's Vickey, Gloria, Gabby, Gavin, and Cole. AND my parents, but of course they know. Every time I thought about it, I started crying. My grandmother sacrificed her life to save me from that monster of a human.

I always knew that there was only one species that were a monster. Not bears or lions, no. This species was worse. They kill each other every day and multiply quickly. That is the problem. They hardly have any hair. They will kill their own species and others. That's how bad they are. They will kill any living thing, without even hesitating. The worst thing is that they are the smartest animals on earth. And they are the most populated. Some are good. Most are bad. They will force you to mate with them. They won't even think about what you want. All they will do it take, take, take. Never give. That animal is named the human.

I looked at my ipod and checked the time-3:13. I tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't. I never got up THIS early on a Sunday.

Speaking of, we were probably going to Church today. Every Sunday after the burning happened, we went to Church. I wouldn't mind going to Church, but it's SO boring. Can't we just praise God in a fun way, instead of listening to men talk in a monotone voice and opera singing that you can't even understand for an hour?

That's it! Singing! I bet we can get the guys to do some "churchy" singing. I think. Well, maybe not. They would have to make up a whole new song and THAT would take a long time. I figured going to Church for an hour was a better idea.

I tried going back to sleep, but I couldn't for fear that I would have that nightmare again. I kept looking around my room at all the dark corners. I hated the dark. I always think a thing is a ghost or something. Like my hoodie on my hook was him. I glanced around a million times.

It went on like this for a couple of hours. I was bored out of my mind. Then I heard a door opening. I checked my ipod for the time-6:34. Mom was up. Well, since she's up, I might as well get up. Haha, no. I hate when people make stuff in books that never happen. NO ONE DOES THAT.

ANYWAY, my mom walked in and I quickly and not-so-gracefully put my head on my pillow and shut my eyes as if I was asleep. Yea, I want you to look me in the eye and say that you've never done that. Or that when you see someone you know from school, that you don't try to ignore them. I mean really? In books when you see someone from school that you never talk to: OMG I KNOW YOU!!!! *runs up and hugs them*/ in real life: *they see you and you try to cover your face with your hoodie and go in a different isle in the store*.

I heard a door close and looked up and saw my mom left.. I tried to go to sleep, I really did, but it was hopeless. I decided to text Gloria about the situation.

ME: Hey u up?

GLORIA: Never went 2 sleep

ME: ha, um u remember what happened last year?

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