My pond

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There is a pond
Way down past my house
Past a park
And into the woods

There is a pond I call my own
My pond knows all my secrets
For I go there when I'm down
When life is turned around
And my feet no longer touch
the ground

When I feel I'm soaring high
Above the mess that is reality
Nothing is concrete
But my mind is in defeat
I turn Numb when I am beat and wish I wasent planted by my feet

I imagine I am just a spirit
Trapped right here on earth
This was a mistake
Soon they will come and rescue me
The ones that have the key

They will take me to this other land
Where life is stable
And souls are never bland
Minds will be clear
Have no fear
That's why I'm here
To be swept away
Goodbye rain
And unhappy days

But until that moment arrives
My pond will be my never land
To let go in forms of rocks
Pick one from the pile
Give it a thought you wish to exile
Throw it right into the pond and watch as it dies with a splash

Quicker than you realize your rock will come right back
And give your head a smack

There is no way to get these out
But trying so can make you seem
Like you have hope
Although you don't

There is a pond
Way down past my house
Past a park
And into the woods

This is where I drift
And use a rock as makeshift
To release
And sit in false peace
Cry a bit
And never try
Just wait for them to come and take you away
To where you were meant to be
Waiting for the ones that have the key

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