The Thought Of You

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A past of broken ropes
Linger in my heart
Yet awakened by your smile
The little jokes that made me laugh 
Still stained on my cheeks
I've longed to feel
Like Im traveling strait ahead
Not winding down that cracked path of his
That made me loose sight of potential
But now I'm settled in my mind
Calm is the voice that screams
And yours replaces its posture
You don't know
How I've longed to feel like I am worth a penny
And simply you
Has made me feel I'm worth endless amounts
I'm not caged in
I am set free from pounding thoughts
And Bloody little secrets
Because you are giving time
And giving thought and speak
In which I have never received
No more bitten lips
No more tightened shoulders
Only one to lean on
And arms to hug
Simply that makes me see it is not all just darkness
There is more to this game
Than his lies and hands
There is much care
From ones who have felt Pain
And mine will subdue
With the thought of you
So with all of my heart
I smile with a thank you

Dedicated to: SanHolo

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