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I wake up with last night's tears stained on my cheeks
Red are my eyes from the rivers that flowed before
These rivers were my lullaby
Last night's battle scares are still bleeding.
Sheets dirty.
The weapon is still sitting on the desk.
These baggy pajamas show my flaws
No shape
No curve
I can't look down
My own presences scares me
Now have to stand.
I must get up on these bruised abused legs.
I must pick out a "good" outfit
Or I will be worthless
I must check my social media so I stay in the cool crowd.
I must plaster on this mask
Make sure I look awake, alive.
Not dead
Which I already am.
I must go to school and pretend.
I'm fine.
I have to laugh
Be sympathetic.
And then I need to learn
Pretend to listen when really nightmares are on replay in my head.
Good luck grades
Your on your own.

You are expecting this from a glass doll.
Must get through the day with out a chip.
Make it home and I shatter.

Happy Monday...

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