Our little deal

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I cower around you
Because I was naive
When you threatened me.
I saved myself this year
But I shutter at the thought of two years from now.
Our little deal.
I should have given it to you sooner
So my anxiety wouldent boom
I anticipate your force
And that damn green slug bug
I know you won't forget
You won't let me run
Our little deal.
I will loose my innocence
Over your looming threat
I will loose my innocence
By utter force
And by your hands I will resist
But I know I am no match to you your power will dominate me
And I will shrink like I did in that class last year.
Our little deal.
Awaits my future
Our little deal.
Is unavoidable
Our little deal.
Looms in the back of my head
Our little deal.
Our little deal...

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