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These are things.
That kill my pain.
Make me forget.
There once was rain.
And cloudy days.
Full if sorrow.
And hated tomorrow's.

There are few.
For happiness is hard to come to.
But these things can dull it for a while.

One is music.
And talking takes away longness.
Another is him.
When he decides my life is worth investing in.
Kisses and his touch that makes me forget there ever was
to much.
To get through on my own
To suffer through a day with out a scar
Is imagination
I worry that one day ill drift to far.
From normal
And I'll be to carved
To walk among the others as a human.
I'll be dead.
And I'll need this glass half empty
to shatter.
Cause does anything really matter

So I need this all to stop
And dull this life that's shriller than
The ingredients in my pain killer.

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